5 stránok
Nové Turíce - Zoslanie Ducha Svätého. sv.Ludvig z Montfortu (o pravej ucte k Panne Márii) Vassula Ryden (posolstvá) pravdivyzivotvbohu.wordpress.comViac
Nové Turíce - Zoslanie Ducha Svätého.
sv.Ludvig z Montfortu (o pravej ucte k Panne Márii)
Vassula Ryden (posolstvá)
Posolstvá Panny Márie - Don Gobbi
Kresťanov chcú zahnať do defenzívy.
Boj o Vianoce.
Želanie "radostné a požehnané Vianoce" chcú zameniť za želanie "sezónnych sviatkov".Začal to už Obama a sekularisti pokračujú.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: The American TFP <>
Date: so 15. 12. 2018 o 3:04
Subject: No more Happy Holidays!
Somehow, secularists think they have the upper hand!
Christmas is …Viac
Kresťanov chcú zahnať do defenzívy.
Boj o Vianoce.
Želanie "radostné a požehnané Vianoce" chcú zameniť za želanie "sezónnych sviatkov".Začal to už Obama a sekularisti pokračujú.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: The American TFP <>
Date: so 15. 12. 2018 o 3:04
Subject: No more Happy Holidays!


Somehow, secularists think they have the upper hand!
Christmas is under attack.
Retailers have tried to ignore Christmas by suppressing the use of the greeting, "Merry Christmas," and replacing it with "Happy Holidays" or "Season's Greetings."
There was a lot of pushback, and Merry Christmas is making a comeback.
This is a victory, but the battle isn't over.
We need to redouble our efforts to keep Christ in Christmas. You can do this by taking the pledge to answer secular messages like "Happy Holidays" or "Season's Greetings," with "Merry Christmas!"
I will take these pledges and lay them at the feet of the Infant Jesus on Christmas night.…/its-not-happy-h…
Will you defend Christmas?
Don't let secular society bully you. Be strong and fight for the real reason for this joyful and truly blessed feast day.…/its-not-happy-h…
I will lay these pledges before the Christ Child and the Holy Family on Christmas night. I am sure they will smile upon our efforts.
Have conviction, and don't be pressured by modern secular society to lose sight of why we celebrate Christmas!
God Bless and Merry Christmas!

Until next time, I remain

Sincerely yours,

Gary J. Isbell
Tradition Family Property

P.S. - If you are happy with the work of the American TFP, please consider today so we can expand our spiritual crusades. Thank you! May God bless you.

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Pápež František: Činnosť Ducha Svätého charakterizujú tri slová – novosť, harmónia, poslanie…/papez-frantisek…
Pápež František: Činnosť Ducha Svätého charakterizujú tri slová – novosť, harmónia, poslanie…/papez-frantisek…
👍 👍 👍
Ďakujem "Stjako" :)
"Pane, zošli svojho Ducha, nech táto zem nie je suchá... nech na chválu zvolám: Amen."

Hvala vam "Stjako" :)
"Gospodine, pošalji svoga Duha, neka ova zemlja je suha ... neka pohvala uzviknuo:. Amen!"

👏 👏 👏
"Pane, zošli svojho Ducha a obnov tvárnosť zeme."
"Gospodine, pošalji svoga Duha, i obnoviti lice zemlje."

🙏 🙏 🙏Viac
👍 👍 👍

Ďakujem "Stjako" :)

"Pane, zošli svojho Ducha, nech táto zem nie je suchá... nech na chválu zvolám: Amen."

Hvala vam "Stjako" :)

"Gospodine, pošalji svoga Duha, neka ova zemlja je suha ... neka pohvala uzviknuo:. Amen!"

👏 👏 👏

"Pane, zošli svojho Ducha a obnov tvárnosť zeme."

"Gospodine, pošalji svoga Duha, i obnoviti lice zemlje."

🙏 🙏 🙏