
Homosex Propaganda IN German Parish Church

The homosex activist Karsten Weidisch, who is paid as a "pastor" by Münster diocese, Germany, is presenting the homosex propaganda exhibition "Get me right - criminalisation of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders and the Catholic Church" (13 to 27 August) in (!) his St. Joseph's Church.

Weidisch's homosexual favourites are presented in the familiar role of victims.
The same exhibition has already flopped in a shopping centre in Recklinghausen.

The desecration of St Joseph's happens during a homosexual August 26 march in Münster. On 27 August, a blasphemous homosex service will take place in Münster's Heilig-Geist church. Already before, a homosex flag will be hoisted in the [former] House of God. There is also a monthly homosex service in the crypt of the Antonius Church.

For those who do not understand from the order of creation, the Holy Spirit reveals in the Bible that the homosexual sin is contrary to nature (Romans) and is punished by God as an "abomination" (Leviticus).