Perspectives Daily - The Pope's Upcoming Trip to Cairo. saltandlighttv on April 4, 2017. VENEZUELA: There are chronic shortages of food, medicine, and other basic products such as soap and flour which …More
Perspectives Daily - The Pope's Upcoming Trip to Cairo.

saltandlighttv on April 4, 2017. VENEZUELA: There are chronic shortages of food, medicine, and other basic products such as soap and flour which has even led to shortage of hosts for the Catholic Mass. Be assured that we’ll keep you up-to-date as this story continues to unfold.
The “Washing of the Feet” ceremony will take place at the Manila Cathedral at 5 pm during the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper. In light of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte’s merciless treatment of drug dependents and his “shoot-first and ask questions later” policy, Cardinal Tagle is asking the faithful not to leave or abandon drug dependents or treat them like outcasts, reminding them not to belittle the ability of people to change, emphasizing that even the worst of sinners can be redeemed and forgiven by God.

We go to Venezuela now, where the demise of the democratic process in the county has forced the catholic bishops of Venezuela to issue a statement saying that the time may have come for civil disobedience and peaceful protests against the current government regime.

In the statement published on their website, the country’s catholic bishops openly stated that: “We cannot remain passive, frightened or hopeless”. This, after the Venezuelan Supreme Court decided to eliminate the National Assembly, which is the current government’s main political opposition, a move that is seen as a “final blow to democracy” in Venezuela.
“We have to defend our rights and the rights of others,” the bishops say in their statement. “It’s time to seriously, and responsibly, ask if civil disobedience, peaceful demonstrations, appeals to the national and international public power, and civic protest, are valid and opportune measures.”. Venezuela is currently the 11th largest oil producer in the world, but sadly, it’s plagued with economic, political, & social crisis, fueled by corruption, and triple-digit inflation.

There are chronic shortages of food, medicine, and other basic products such as soap and flour which has even led to shortage of hosts for the Catholic Mass. Be assured that we’ll keep you up-to-date as this story continues to unfold.

Now, if a visit to the Holy Land is on your bucket list, we are very pleased to announce another Salt and Light Pilgrimage to the Holy Land this coming October.

Join Fr.Rosica and the Salt and Light crew for this incredible once-in-a-lifetime trip. For more details, you can visit our website at: Saltandlighttv.org