SSPX can ask for canonical status rejecting Vatican Council II ( Cushingite) and accepting Vatican …

AUGUST 25, 2017 SSPX can ask for canonical status rejecting Vatican Council II ( Cushingite) and accepting Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) : this is not important ? Comment on Gloria TV: Dr.Stuart ReissMore
AUGUST 25, 2017
SSPX can ask for canonical status rejecting Vatican Council II ( Cushingite) and accepting Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) : this is not important ?
Comment on Gloria TV:
Dr.Stuart Reiss
If the Society of St. Pius X(SSPX) interprets Vatican Council II with Feeneyism instead of Cushingism they can affirm Vatican Council II and also assure their supporters that they are not rejecting Tradition.Then they can ask for canonical status.
Rejecting Vatican Council II ( Cushingite) and accepting Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) is the key and you think this is not important?
If the sedevacantists Bishop Donald Sanborm, MHFM,CMRI and others , interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism instead of their present Cushingism, the Council would be traditional and there would be no need for them to remain in sedevacantism established on Vatican Council II(Cushingism). For you this is not important?
At all Catechism and RCIA classes Vatican Council II is being interpreted with irrational …More