
Overweigth Half-Naked Salesian Priest Plays Pagan on Internet

Salesian Father Justino Sarmento Rezende published a photo of himself in red shorts, flip-flops, and with black paintings on his overweight naked belly.

Rezende was the first Brazilian Salesian of indigenous origin to be ordained a priest, 21 years ago.

In line with European neo-paganism, he now complains that he was never taught the paganism of his forefathers.

Rezende is part of the Group of Indigenous Priests and Religious of the Brazilian Amazon, an organization using indigenous liberation as a pretext to promote Marxist “Liberation Theology”.

He believes that he needs “to allow himself to be inundated by indigenous spirituality” and that the Indians have “their own ways” to relate with God, although God determines the way how to relate with him.

The “original diversity” of the Amazon region evokes in Rezende a “new Pentecost" which confirms a journey that started with Vatican II.

"We interact with the beings above, the constellations, the thunders, the underworld of the water world," he professed to Religión Digital and ask for a “decolonization of the mind.”

Accordingly, the Church’s “inculturation” must adopt “the pagan indigenous worldview of the world” and ordaining married men regards “the dignity of indigenous people.”

To put it short: Rezende is repeating Western colonial thinking thinly veiled behind some Indian feathers.

la verdad prevalece
All these apostates are the same accomplices that Bergoglio had in Argentina.
Another picture
Benedict Joseph
Perhaps Cardinal Maradiaga, another noted Salesian, will follow this new current in clerical fashion. He has exhibited a number of behaviors and perspectives which bespeak "jungle fever."
May God rebuke him we humbly pray.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
Fiel al Evangelio
Gesù è con noi
A Mission That Baptized No One in Fifty-Three Years: The Flawed Evangelization Model of the Pan-Amazonian Synod
Fiel al Evangelio