Saint Leobinus of Chartres - March 14 Also known as Lubinus Lubin Lubinius Lumine Leubinus Loubin Memorial 14 March formerly 15 September 9 September (translation of relics) Profile Son of peasants, …More
Saint Leobinus of Chartres - March 14
Also known as
Loubin Memorial 14 March formerly 15 September 9 September (translation of relics) Profile Son of peasants, he was a field worker and shepherd in his youth. Thirsting for education, he went to the monastery at Noailles, France, working for the monks by day, being taught by them at night. He studied late by candle light, which annoyed the monks who had to wake for early prayers; Leobinus put a screen around the candle, and pressed on. Friend of Saint Carilef. Student of Saint Avitus of Perche, who suggested that the young man join his monastery. Monk at Lyon, France. Captured by renegade soldiers during war between the Franks and Burgundians, Leobinus was tortured to make him give up the location of the monastery‘s treasure. He told the soldiers nothing, and they left him for dead, thinking they’d drowned him; he eventually recovered. Joined Saint Avitus‘ community at Le Perche, France. Priest. …More
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Saint Leobinus of Chartres - March 14