Gloria.TV News on the 27th of February 2013 United States On his blog, Cardinal Dolan has written about his trip to Rome to attend the farewell of the Holy Father this Thursday. He assured his flock …More
Gloria.TV News on the 27th of February 2013

United States

On his blog, Cardinal Dolan has written about his trip to Rome to attend the farewell of the Holy Father this Thursday. He assured his flock that he likes being their Archbishop and is looking forward coming back to New York. These words however sound like if he wouldn’t come back soon. The Archbishop joked: “I can get a good bowl of pasta here in New York, too”. Cardinal Dolan also expressed a prayer asking to come back in his Archdiocese by Palm Sunday. He concluded that in case he will stay longer in Rome, he asks his flock to send him peanut butter. Quote: “You can’t get it there.” Gloria.tv recommends that Cardinal Dolan doesn't eat too much peanut butter. Too much of a good thing can give you a tummy ache, Your Eminence.

United States

College students at Hunter College, a public college in New York City, celebrated a birthday with ice cream cake, balloons, and a horrific birthday game they called "Abortion Wars". During this game students put a balloon under their shirt and try to pop the balloon with a fork. Meanwhile other students are yelling: "Kill the baby!!!" and "Kill it!!!" Creative Minority Report comments: The laughter surrounding the game and the cavalier nature towards life should chill the hearts of anyone with a shred of concern for the sacredness of life. Gloria.tv believes that the minority students who participated in “Abortion Wars” accurately demonstrate the fact that minorities account for a disproportionate percentage of abortions compared to their numbers in the general population.


It is now safer in Spain to be a child of monkey than of a human being, lifesitenews reports. Thanks to a new law passed by the Spanish parliament and signed into law by Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, the Great Apes are protected from the moment of conception against abortion and fetal experimentation. Human embryos, on the other hand, remain unprotected and the subject of scientific research. Organizers of protests against this law gathered around the headquarters of the ruling political party, the Partido Popular. They urged Prime Minister Rajoy to fulfill his campaign's promise to protect human life from conception and to support motherhood and family. 300 unborn babies die violent deaths every day in Spain.


A Texas lawmaker is launching an investigation after a teacher reportedly invited female students to dress up in Islamic garb and then told her classroom they should call Muslim terrorists – freedom fighters, Todd Starnes from FoxNews reported. The lesson on Islam was taught in a world geography class at Lumberton High School. The teacher brought burqas and other Islamic clothing for the female students to wear. A parent said she was not aware of the lesson until she discovered a photograph of her 14-year-old daughter wearing a burqa on Facebook. She told FoxNews: “As parents we should have been made aware this. Christian kids who want to pray have to do it outside of school hours – yet Islam is being taught to our kids during school hours.” State Sen. Dan Patrick, chairman of the senate education committee, told Fox News that, parents are very sensitive to any issue that seems to be anti-American. He added: “Could you imagine if someone asked a Muslim student to dress up as a priest.”
Gloria.tv believes that some Catholic bishops, for example, Cardinal Barbarin who recently prayed in the Grand Mosque of Lyon, would not have a problem dressing up as a Muslim.
Thanks Lucia!
Interesting...Thanks for sharing
THANKS, LUCIA, by the news. We continue to pray for the Pope and the Church and bishops to teach the doctrine of the Church. GREETINGS TO DOINA. BLESSINGS. 🙏 👍 🤗
✍️ "...In many countries frogs are a protected species. You can be prosecuted for removing frog spawn from the wild,..." Even frog spawn is protected!!! - Rene
Some of the Pope Conclaves lasted 3 years.
I don't know if peanutbutter would help in such case.
Looking at the bishops you will find them divided 50/50
50 % for Tradition /keep all the doctrins unchanged/
50% for progress and modernism, for abortion, against celibacy... women for priests...things...
Saturday Mass for Sunday, eating meat on Fridays, sharing Altar with Luterans...
Do we really know …More
Some of the Pope Conclaves lasted 3 years.
I don't know if peanutbutter would help in such case.

Looking at the bishops you will find them divided 50/50
50 % for Tradition /keep all the doctrins unchanged/
50% for progress and modernism, for abortion, against celibacy... women for priests...things...
Saturday Mass for Sunday, eating meat on Fridays, sharing Altar with Luterans...
Do we really know what is Catholic teaching anymore?

So why to be tied up by Pope in the first place? (that's progressive bishop thinking)
How many bishops followed teachings of Pope Benedyct about Liturgy of recieving Communion when kneeling and not on hand?
From 5080 bishops not even half supported Traditional teachings of Pope and Catholic Church teachings for kneeling.
There was/is, has been, wide spread misconception that Pope likes Communion on hand. /misunderstanding or a lie?/
That bishops have the rights to do so because of Pope's Indult says so.
Pope's Indult is not the Law but the opposite, is an exception from the laew.

An indult in Catholic canon law is a permission, or privilege, granted by the competent church authority – the Holy See or the diocesan bishop, as the case may be – for an exception from a particular norm of church law in an individual case,en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indult
Don't worry cardinal Dolan...you'll have all the peanut you wish, back in the USA. 🧐
Shame on you Hunter College!
People will be outraged with the abortion of animals before they would HUMANS! 70 Million prooves it! 🤦More
Don't worry cardinal Dolan...you'll have all the peanut you wish, back in the USA. 🧐

Shame on you Hunter College!

People will be outraged with the abortion of animals before they would HUMANS! 70 Million prooves it! 🤦
Again and again Christians the widespread mistake is to recognised that Islam is a religion like Christianity and one would worship the same God. Many think: One can democratise Islam and so it is a good religion. Tactically astute and euphemistic statements by Muslim representatives have the teaching of Islam in public schools as a result, while at the same time christians be forced to remove …More
Again and again Christians the widespread mistake is to recognised that Islam is a religion like Christianity and one would worship the same God. Many think: One can democratise Islam and so it is a good religion. Tactically astute and euphemistic statements by Muslim representatives have the teaching of Islam in public schools as a result, while at the same time christians be forced to remove crosses out of their classrooms.

Koran, Sure (3,47+8,30): „Allah is the best forger“ (Listenschmied=forger, Arabisch: makara = Trick, deception, fraud)

Allah may be deceptive and also Muslims are allowed to betray in order to establish islam as the only state religion worldwide.

How different is the teaching of Jesus Christ:
Put away lying, speak the truth "(Ephesians 4.25 and many others).

This well-meaning tolerance is a fatal miscalculation, and the consequences of the abuse of Islam against the "infidels" are becoming increasingly clearer each day.

It arises directly from the Koran, Sure 74,34: „Thus Allah leads astray whom He wills and guides whom He wills“

What Allah is doing, a Muslim may of course do so as well: in fact this is to lie that the beams bend in order to reach its goal: Islam as state-religion worldwide.

Christianity and Islam each claim to be the only true revelation of God.

Christians are encouraged to love their enemies, especially during Lent a good exercise, and they are to reflect on the teachings of Christ: Mt 5:44; 13:24 u.v.m.) Prayer (fasting) and charity for all, especially for the enemies as well as preaching the Word of God are the tools to lead people to Christ. God works through Christians. But only in the Church through the Holy Sacraments, a person can come to Christ, first and foremost in the Divine Liturgy and by the Sacrament of Penance.

Not so in Islam: The spread of Islam was made solely by means of violence, and violence still is its tool. Muslims must fight against their enemies. In islamic-ruled countries Schaira is the law of the Muslims, and according to this law he has to behave himself towards his enemies: He has to pursue the infidels on multiple instances: these include economic disadvantage, theft, lies, rape and murder. Coexistence between Christians and Muslims in islamic-ruled states therefore is not possible. In Europe, the seemingly tolerant coexistence will only keep as long as the Christian-Western legal system will not be adapted on the purposes of the Sharia and ultimately the Sharia is enforced.

The world of Islam is "dar al Islam" meaning - "House of Islam" where Islam has the sole authority, and from (dar al harb) - "House of War" that is, wherever Islam does not yet have the sole authority in this world.

The Koran explicitly calls the use of all means to achieve the global Herrchaft of Islam. Quran: "Fight in Allah's path, which resist you and slay them wherever ye catch them (2,186.187). The phrase "Allah's path" (sabil Allah) means "holy war".

Again very different for Christ:

Specifically, the Church teaches that no one can be forced to Christianity and allowed. But the explicit mandate is that Christ said: goes out into all the world and preach the gospel of the kingdom of God with the goal to baptise many converts!

Subordination to the will of God in Islam is not assumed to the personal responsibility and decision of the Muslims. The Muslims have to repeat the statements of the Qur'an without reflection and they have to obey them without questions. Perhaps he reaches paradise this way (Qur'an: Sura 35.29 +30. Only through the Martyrs-death fighting for the truth of Allah he will certainly enter Paradise. Quran (9.112 + 47.4 to 7).

"' There is no God but Allah ',

This constantly repeated mechanically creed of Islam calls for the observance of the Islamic constitutional law: the Sharia. It is a stark reminder and Muslims must always remember that Christians worship the triune God and proclaim Jesus Christ, the son of God.

"' There is no God but Allah ',

The monotheism of Islam is non-negotiable for the identity of Islam. There is not such a thing as a Euro-Islam that declares a separation of religion and state demands. Islam is not democratisable. The act to keep Islam for tolerant and peaceful is a typical Western misunderstanding of his character, as in the Qur'an: (Sura 48.16 +2.187 +4, 1 +8.40 +9.29 +9.74 +61.9 + f 48.28) quotes it is clearly.

Therefore the suppressing of different faiths in Muslim countries, terrorism and the call for the Sharia as law by no means a marginal phenomenon Muslim fundamentalist minorities, no: unfortunatly it is the heart, the dar al harb der Muslime, to subdue all infidels under application of all brutality and by any means as lies, deceit, violence and murder.

The Christian should know: A room, a building, a place, a place where Muslims have spoken their ritual prayers: to the will of Allah it belongs to Muslims forever. As a Christian can pray in the mosque what he wants ... Jesus Christ is the Son of God will not hear it I'm afraid: And GOD help us, if Allah does!