387. With or without God

Paul reminds us of a proverb:
“Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.” 2 Corinthians, chapter 9, verse 6
How do we sow too little or how to sow widely? We see that the harvest is tied to the way we sow.

Sowing a sample means that we don’t let God go through our lives. And by protecting us from the presence of God, we’ll reap little. Our spiritual generosity will increase when we let the grace of God increase in our life.

That said, we could put a lot of effort, make multiple facial expressions to the point of becoming actors, without God or with little relationship with God, and not succeed, eventually.

What to sow? It’s time to give God his place. Let’s watch him work. Let’s work with him to learn from him how to live a blooming life of faith that will yield abundant and quality crops.

If we go there with our own means, we’ll build in a vacuum. God invites us to more than that. He invites us to become more converted to him, to his thought, to his action, to his Word. He will build with us and there will be results.

The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: Let's evangelize, Normand Thomas