
When Silence is Shame -- When Will Benedict XVI Say Something?

(Vatican) There is an attempt of a paradigm shift of revolutionary proportions in progress within the Catholic Church. "Revolucion Francisco" is how it is being reported by the Argentine television station Canal 9 on the Synod of Bishops. "Is Pope Francis initiating a revolution?" Austrian Broadcasting Corporation hopefully asked today.

The French Revolution, which has yet to happen in the one Church of Jesus Christ is more than two hundred years too late, as Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini once expected. Part of the shock troops of a casuistic rebuilding of the Church's moral teaching, which raises the exception to the rule, is the Jesuit Order. What Cardinal Martini failed at, Jorge Mario Bergoglio has succeeded: the rise of the first Jesuit to the throne of Peter.
A commentary by Giuseppe Nardi

For 17 months a confusing rant about the people of God has been going down: attempts to abolish sin, destroy the understanding of sin, the idea of good and evil leading to absurdity and uplifting the autonomous conscience to be the last instance. A few days ago the Pope called out to the people: "There is no God." The intention of the statement could be awkward to explain. The question of what benefits it is supposed to have, this confusing, yes destructive, statement by the head of the Church, however, is not being answered.

Would the Case of Henry VIII. Have Been "Dismissed" Differently in the Hands of Jesuit Casuistry?
The uniqueness of Catholic charity in the admonition of the sinner, the condemnation of sin and absolution in the confessional with penance is being replaced by a "new charity" of laissez faire and dissolved beyond recognition. The Church is to no longer to penetrate the world, but the world, the Church. The subversion of order in the Church from theocentricity to anthropocentrism is finding its completion. Christ is the comrade , the one who is addressed disrespectfully with a knock on the shoulder as a chum, then quickly disposed of, unnoticed in the priorities of the individualistic egoism. The rest is dialectical self-adulation and the honey of taking their own path. Gilbert Keith Chesterton whose fictional character, Father Brown, however, says about the healing responsibility and importance of the Church and the priesthood: "We must say the word that saves from hell"?
The Synod of Bishops revealed, that in 2014, the Cardinals Kasper, Marx and Schönborn, with papal support, would have dismissed the case against the English King Henry VIII. in 1534. Casuistically. The Martyrdom of Saints John Fisher and Thomas More were not the way of loyalty to the reigning pope, but the fidelity to the teaching and mission of Christ. A key difference.
When Does Benedict XVI. Manifest the Sign of Contradiction?
So the question arises as to whether and when the Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI. will manifest a sign of contradiction and hurry to the defense of the Church's teaching. After all, he carries a substantial share of the responsibility that it has come to this, as it has come. Irrefutable fact is that the 76-year-old Archbishop of Buenos Aires would never have become Pope, had Benedict XVI not declared his resignation. Whatever the background that led to this startling step, we can only speculate. What is certain is that the official explanation must be noted, however, there can be few good reasons for a step of such importance.
Pope Benedict XVI. announced in February 2013 that he would be "invisible for the world", but continue his work in other ways, in sacrifice and prayer for the Church. Come it's different. Because of the radical contrast between Pope Francis and his predecessor, began to arouse the suspicions among the people of God after the conclave at the Vatican, the feeling that between incumbent and retired, there wasn't the slightest difference between the two popes. The results were scenes of encounters of two popes, which triggered much ridicule in the world, and the many faithful people for good reason were irritated more than reassured. A retired existence may understandably conform to the thinking of social legislation of trade unions, however, it is contrary to the commission of Christ, which the faithful feel instinctively.

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I read this at the site. The article is Excellent.
The Remnant a while back had an article in their Newspaper along the same lines.
The Truth is Obvious. These terrible suggestions, have Pope Francis all over them.
I read this at the site. The article is Excellent.
The Remnant a while back had an article in their Newspaper along the same lines.

The Truth is Obvious. These terrible suggestions, have Pope Francis all over them.
"When Does Benedict XVI. Manifest the Sign of Contradiction?"
"When Does Benedict XVI. Manifest the Sign of Contradiction?"


Many Catholics are still in the waiting game, but deep down inside they know, some out a false respect to the ones who don't have respect for Apostolic truth, some are in denial, some others know but rather wait for a no doubt mistake from the top.
Some, very few have seen the signs, the bad deeds and the Machiavellian maneuvers from the most holy pope ever to walk the earth to secure power for …More
Many Catholics are still in the waiting game, but deep down inside they know, some out a false respect to the ones who don't have respect for Apostolic truth, some are in denial, some others know but rather wait for a no doubt mistake from the top.

Some, very few have seen the signs, the bad deeds and the Machiavellian maneuvers from the most holy pope ever to walk the earth to secure power for liberals.

No red shoes, no ring of the fisherman, black pants, hotel rooms instead of papal apartments, total destruction of the predecessor's work, total distaste for tradition, totally in line with the world and everything is for the world.

And yet nothing...

The most humble man ever to walk the earth rents the Vatican to the rich to feed the poor, like when the traitor Judas got angry for that expensive perfume used by Mary at Jesus feet, he objected because "it could be sold and given to the poor" but Jesus knowing the traitor was also a thief said:

"You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me." John 12:8

Hypocrisy, deceit, worldliness today seems to be the new Gospel... and the world loves their own.

I have totally given up on most Gloria TV users, they see a sheep, I see a wolf, they see a saint, I see a Judas... Most people keep silence despite deep down they know Apostasy have come in the form of a rock star.

The St Francis of Assisi prophecy have been fulfilled through the apostasy in the "who i am to judge" Franciscans of Boston and the Franciscans of the immaculate, that's why I'll follow tradition without following this wolf in sheep clothing.

May Jesus finds us with a good confession at hand. Blessings
UTOPIA, you have said it... you are brave. 😇
St. Thomas Morus and St. John Fisher would have been killed anyhow not becomming known as Saints, but HenryVIII would not have become a Saint instead! Know what I mean? Imagine Thomas Morus with those 'New Aged' popes hand in hand like stoned hippies? Too much for me!
No catolic has the right to keep silent when Jesus is scorned - but how to communicate thereare many ways!