What is it?
The last two don't really make much sense.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Given by God, lost by Adam and Eve, brought back by the sacrifice on the Cross by Jesus, Given again at Baptism, lost again by Mortal Sin (M.S.), regained by Penance(Confession), asked for at Death, will be rewarded in Heaven.
I never had real nuns in school (none in my gradeschool...they had pulled out in 1988 before I was even born). My parents in their grade schools in New Jersey and Conn. in …More
Given by God, lost by Adam and Eve, brought back by the sacrifice on the Cross by Jesus, Given again at Baptism, lost again by Mortal Sin (M.S.), regained by Penance(Confession), asked for at Death, will be rewarded in Heaven.
I never had real nuns in school (none in my gradeschool...they had pulled out in 1988 before I was even born). My parents in their grade schools in New Jersey and Conn. in the early 1970's had liberal nuns who didn't teach any of this.
The real teaching sisters, 65-75 years ago really instructed the children well, and the children really learned the Faith. They were real nuns.
I'll bet the few aged sisters left in most USA religious liberal Orders don't even know how to pray the Rosary....or much else.
Phyllis Crespo
Sanctifying Grace.