Some Minn. priests differ with Catholic church over marriage amendment

Photo ~ Retired Catholic priests Fr. John Brandes, Fr. Timothy Power and Fr. Thomas Garvey, left to right, wrote a letter to the Star Tribune expressing their opposition to a constitutional marriage amendment that would deny same-sex couples the right to marry. The letter, which was not published, urged Minnesota Catholics to vote against the amendment. The priests were photographed Thursday, May 17, 2012 near the Lake Harriet bandshell in Minneapolis. (MPR Photo/Jennifer Simonson)

Some Minn. priests differ with Catholic church over marriage amendment

MINNEAPOLIS — As Minnesota voters prepare to go to the polls this fall, the Catholic Church has mounted a major effort to convince them to approve a constitutional amendment that would only allow marriage between men and women.

But Catholics are not united behind the church's official position, a point made clear today, when a group representing 80 former Catholic priests spoke out against the marriage amendment.

They said the amendment violates Christian principles of love and justice.

Also coming forward to oppose the amendment were John Brandes, Tom Garvey and Tim Power, three retired priests who are still part of the church.

They also came forward to oppose the amendment, putting them on a collision course with John C. Nienstedt, the Archbishop of St. Paul and Minneapolis, who last year informed all priests that they could not publicly dissent.

Catholic bishops have made passage of the amendment a top political priority this year, even though Minnesota law already prohibits gay marriage.

Proponents of the amendment say it is needed to block a Hennepin County court case that seeks to overturn state law and numerous attempts by Democratic state legislators to legalize gay marriage.

In a letter submitted to the Star Tribune, titled "Catholics of Minnesota you have a choice!" they wrote, "There is not just one way for Catholics to vote in November."

Their letter describes gays and lesbians as brothers and sisters in Christ, who need allies.

There's no fool like an old fool, and heres 3 of them! 👌
A square is a square and circle is a circle there is no in between.
These priests are Wolves under sheeps skin ! IF these mature men think ahead -they can forsee the problems pathetic selfish old men.
Let he God show them light.
A square is a square and circle is a circle there is no in between.

These priests are Wolves under sheeps skin ! IF these mature men think ahead -they can forsee the problems pathetic selfish old men.
Let he God show them light.
A little excommunication is whats needed here. These are priests? Everything Mother Church says or nothing,... know why?......BECAUSE God Said So, THATS WHY!!! There is no room for debate on this subject any more, that's it!
This is how the church got as bad as it did...
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
Comments from FR:
RE :”As Minnesota voters prepare to go to the polls this fall, the Catholic Church has mounted a major effort to convince them to approve a constitutional amendment that would only allow marriage between men and women.
But Catholics are not united behind the church's official position, a point made clear today, when a group representing 80 former Catholic priests spoke out against …
Comments from FR:

RE :”As Minnesota voters prepare to go to the polls this fall, the Catholic Church has mounted a major effort to convince them to approve a constitutional amendment that would only allow marriage between men and women.

But Catholics are not united behind the church's official position, a point made clear today, when a group representing 80 former Catholic priests spoke out against the marriage amendment. They said the amendment violates Christian principles of love and justice.

A number of years ago I read an book that went in detail about how the American Catholic church liberalized in the late 1960s early 1970s and recruited homosexual priests and booted out anyone who objected.

The reason why this was relevant is all the children that were molested were young boys, no girls. What a coincidence! Like a one in million chance it was luck.

These homosexual sympathetic priests talking about 'loving homosexual's is very 'touching'.

> They said the amendment violates Christian principles of
> love and justice.

What about the principles of repentence and obedience to God?
And what does lust, fornication, sodomy, and fellatio have to do with justice?

They are actually Episcopalians and don’t know it.

I don’t know who or what group wrote a book that says the Catholic church actually recruited gay Priests. That statement right there is offensive to me and every other Catholic I know.

Now did quite a few gay men try to “hide out” in the church, become Priests, use it as a cover to say why they never married and did some of these men molest children? I most certainly think that is true.

But you will find child molesters, in greater numbers, in every segment of society. Which is not an excuse but a fact.

RE :”I don’t know who or what group wrote a book that says the Catholic church actually recruited gay Priests. That statement right there is offensive to me and every other Catholic I know.

Found it.

Goodbye, Good Men provides the real story behind the sex scandal currently rocking the Catholic church. Investigative reporter Michael Rose has conducted countless interviews and exhaustive research to uncover several out-of-control seminaries as the root cause of the scandal. While most pundits and critics are calling for liberalization of the Church in the wake of these scandals, Rose presents compelling evidence that liberal influence is the very cause of the crisis. The revelations in Goodbye, Good Men will shock the nation and ignite a firestorm of debate on the subject

Goodbye, Good Men: How Liberals Brought Corruption into the Catholic Church [Hardcover]

They were all boys. Not one women. Liberals never explained that!

They should be ex-communicated. Either the church is to be taken seriously, or not. Young people are watching the Left’s circus.