Wikipedia - Israel's Internet Censorship War (JIDF) How jews infiltrate and patrol social media (including Catholic social media like this one).More
Wikipedia - Israel's Internet Censorship War (JIDF)

How jews infiltrate and patrol social media (including Catholic social media like this one).
mattsixteen24 and one more user link to this post
Joshua 23:10,11
One of you shall chase a thousand men of the enemies: because the Lord your God himself will fight for you, as he hath promised.
This only take care of with all diligence, that you love the Lord your God.
They are on Gloria.tv posing as Catholics. Multiple accounts. I know because they troll my posts exposing them. Any criticism of their Christ hating deeds and watch them attack with their smear campaign and lies.
la verdad prevalece
Yes there are three former moderators who continue to make us internal war and who have the capacity to open many false accounts at the same time and who behave like aggressive trolls who do not comment on the articles but attack the Catholic brothers. And they have opened several accounts in several languages, for example in Italian, German, in Polish, English and Spanish.
Why dont they just ban you if they are in Power?
Col. Buckshot
Amen. Jesus, Mary, Joseph pray for us all.
"By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." John 13:35More
Amen. Jesus, Mary, Joseph pray for us all.

"By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." John 13:35
@Col. Buckshot 2 Timothy 4:2
Preach the word: be instant in season, out of season: reprove, entreat, rebuke in all patience and doctrine.
@mattsixteen24 has been here on gloria.tv for more than 2 years doing that.
True love (Jesus is Love)
The highest love says 1 John 3:16 is John 3:16. If your aim is not to get people to the Catholic Faith in order that they may be eternally happy in heaven, …More
@Col. Buckshot 2 Timothy 4:2
Preach the word: be instant in season, out of season: reprove, entreat, rebuke in all patience and doctrine.
@mattsixteen24 has been here on gloria.tv for more than 2 years doing that.

True love (Jesus is Love)
The highest love says 1 John 3:16 is John 3:16. If your aim is not to get people to the Catholic Faith in order that they may be eternally happy in heaven, then you are wicked.
From Mini Catechism
: In how many ways may we either cause or share the guilt of another's sin?
Ans: We may either cause or share the guilt of another's sin in nine ways:
1. By counsel
2. By command
3. By consent
4. By provocation
5. By praise or flattery
6. By concealment
7. By being a partner in sin
8. By silence
9. By defending the ill done
Wow that sounds crazy