
Twitter Suspends Steve Bannon's "War Room: Pandemic" Account

Twitter has banned yet another news outlet providing 'non-approved' information about COVID-19, this time banning Steve Bannon's "War Room: …
No, mattsixteen24 . I post at "the top" because you "don't want to be contacted" any more than you want your falsehoods to get corrected.
I agree your "block" messes up the posts. So does the rampant thread-hijacking you and lil' Joe-Joe do nearly every day. So spare everyone your whiney complaints about who's posting, where they're posting and why.
Speaking of which, you've been on GTV long …More
No, mattsixteen24 . I post at "the top" because you "don't want to be contacted" any more than you want your falsehoods to get corrected.

I agree your "block" messes up the posts. So does the rampant thread-hijacking you and lil' Joe-Joe do nearly every day. So spare everyone your whiney complaints about who's posting, where they're posting and why.

Speaking of which, you've been on GTV long enough to know that you can post under my comments because I don't block you or anyone else. Meaning, dear heart, this snivelling of yours is a sterling example of exactly what you're complaining about. Irony much?

Besides, you boys are just fine 'n dandy when the two of you are shovelling your anti-Semitic manure into other people's posts. Why do you two keep doing that that? Because you want attention. You want the attention from an audience on other people's posts. Hypocrisy much?

Also, this is a Red-Herring from you since it's unrelated to any of your previously claims (now refuted), Strike Six.

...and still entirely irrelevant to the fact that Steve Bannon was suspended on a media platform owned and run by someone who was raised a Catholic.

Nice to see you bearing false witness against your neighbor, too. Seriously, you are, you know. JIDF... pfffft....:P a self-citing "expert". Ad Hominem. Strike Seven.
Look, I'm at the top. I need more attention and validation because I'm totally a Catholic and not one of these: Wikipedia - Israel's Internet Censorship War (JIDF)
"Even the BBC debunked the "horrible" much needed Spanish Inquisition. Spanish Inquisition was 99% Myth. (BBC)"
I said the Inquisition and not the Spanish Inquisition mattsixteen24 There was more than just the Spanish Inquisition. Like so:
So your source hasn't "debunked" anything Red Herring. Strike Five..
"A major problem today is that people get all …More
"Even the BBC debunked the "horrible" much needed Spanish Inquisition. Spanish Inquisition was 99% Myth. (BBC)"

I said the Inquisition and not the Spanish Inquisition mattsixteen24 There was more than just the Spanish Inquisition. Like so:

So your source hasn't "debunked" anything Red Herring. Strike Five..

"A major problem today is that people get all their information from the same sources that tell them that Christ doesn't exist."

A far more relevant problem here is that people, meaning you, don't know how to read. Or, if they do know, they're so bone-deep dishonest, they deliberately re-word what is said to suit their own position. You're either stupid or dishonest. In your case, very likely using the latter to cover for the former. :D

"They take everything for face value. That don't look at the other side of the story because they are too afraid too."

...said the guy who lost very ungraciously when his much-touted "Protocols Of The Elders of Zion" got debunked as a literary fraud. And, I should add, with much better scholarship than a single irrelevant youtube video. :D
Even the BBC debunked the "horrible" much needed Spanish Inquisition. Spanish Inquisition was 99% Myth. (BBC)
A major problem today is that people get all their information from the same sources that tell them that Christ doesn't exist. They take everything for face value. That don't look at the other side of the story because they are too afraid too.More
Even the BBC debunked the "horrible" much needed Spanish Inquisition. Spanish Inquisition was 99% Myth. (BBC)

A major problem today is that people get all their information from the same sources that tell them that Christ doesn't exist. They take everything for face value. That don't look at the other side of the story because they are too afraid too.
And, again, this is not about ethnicity or race." For once you're correct. This post is about Twitter. mattsixteen24 NOT JEWS. You and Joe-Joe are hijacking it because that's the only way you can get an audience for your anti-Semitic propaganda.
Oh boy, mattsixteen24 is trying to debate. This will be fun. First, Strawman Fallacy via a self-created, self-refuted "summary". Strike One.
Let's …More
And, again, this is not about ethnicity or race." For once you're correct. This post is about Twitter. mattsixteen24 NOT JEWS. You and Joe-Joe are hijacking it because that's the only way you can get an audience for your anti-Semitic propaganda.

Oh boy, mattsixteen24 is trying to debate. This will be fun. First, Strawman Fallacy via a self-created, self-refuted "summary". Strike One.

Let's revisit your original statement. "A true Catholic who converts from judaism renounces their jewish identity and jewry."

That's A No True Scottsman Fallacy, bub. Why? Jewish identity and "jewry" includes ethnicity, regardless of one's religion. A good Catholic nun died for no other reason than her ethnicity, her "Jewish identity." -as an ethnic Jew. ... and that's Strike Two.

"doesn't follow with you not rejecting your jewish identity."

Unsupported premise. No evidence supplied Edith Stein rejected her identity as an ethnic Jew. Strike Three.annn, yer OUT! :D

As for Edith Stein's execution, you're still wrong. She was selected precisely because of her ethnicity. The SS picked Catholics of Jewish ethnicity for their reprisal, not just random Catholics. Thus your claim is disproven.

"For anyone to compare Christ and the early Christians to the antichrist talmudic jews is blasphemous."

Too bad nobody made that comparison, Matty. Red-herring. Implied Strawman, too, if "anyone" refers to me. I'll give you a two for one deal on that, and just lump them together as Strike Four, by the way.

Christ was a Jew, so were His earthly parents. As for "Talmudic" Jews, well, the Talmud hadn't even been compiled yet in Christ's time.

Again, any ethnic Jew who doesn't follow the Talmud isn't a "Talmudic Jew". Case in point:

"Jews have an obsession with race and ethnicity."

So do white supremacists, your point?

"These jews reject God and blaspheme Christ and BVM in their most "holiest" book the talmud."

...and what do the Muslims say? What do the Buddhists say? What do the Hindus say? What does every other silly misguided religion say? You don't care because for you it's just an excuse to condemn one specific group... the same group you always fixate on.

It's the same selective anger every anti-Semite exhibits. You're just looking for excuses to justify it, that's all.

"There should be public book burnings again like in the good days when the Catholic Church burned all these evil antichrist talmud toilet paper."

Those same "good days" saw the Lutherans burning the books of the Catholic Church as well.

Those same "good days" saw the Inquisition taking an unfriendly interest in anyone who insulted the Pope. Much of GTV would be in a dungeon by now.

So don't go longing for those "good days", Tex. You couldn't survive them.
@Pattfm @Joseph a' Christian Who will Gloria.TV defend this time. The Catholics or the jews? The Truth or the lies?
Non sequitur, being put in a concentration camp by the nazis because the nazi discovered your jewish family records doesn't follow with you not rejecting your jewish identity. Becoming a nun is a perfect act of rejecting jewry. Ask any jew what they would think if their daughter became a Catholic nun. 😂
And, again, this is not about ethnicity or race. Jews have an obsession with race and ethnicity …More
Non sequitur, being put in a concentration camp by the nazis because the nazi discovered your jewish family records doesn't follow with you not rejecting your jewish identity. Becoming a nun is a perfect act of rejecting jewry. Ask any jew what they would think if their daughter became a Catholic nun. 😂

And, again, this is not about ethnicity or race. Jews have an obsession with race and ethnicity. They still think they are the chosen race.

For anyone to compare Christ and the early Christians to the antichrist talmudic jews is blasphemous. These jews reject God and blaspheme Christ and BVM in their most "holiest" book the talmud. There should be public book burnings again like in the good days when the Catholic Church burned all these evil antichrist talmud toilet paper. I will burn a talmud first before I burn a koran. Both satanic trash.
GTV's Mods, where art thou? The head of Twitter isn't a "false Jew."Joseph a' Christian He's English/ Irish/ Italian and raised a Catholic. If you want to rant about the Talmud go start your own post, Joe-Joe. Everything else is just more of your usual anti-Semitic topic-shifthing.
Like every anti-Semite, your outrage has a selective focus. No outrage about the falsehoods of the Muslims, or the …More
GTV's Mods, where art thou? The head of Twitter isn't a "false Jew."Joseph a' Christian He's English/ Irish/ Italian and raised a Catholic. If you want to rant about the Talmud go start your own post, Joe-Joe. Everything else is just more of your usual anti-Semitic topic-shifthing.

Like every anti-Semite, your outrage has a selective focus. No outrage about the falsehoods of the Muslims, or the Buddhists, or any other religion. Only those of the Jews, because those are what you hate, not falsehoods You couldn't promote your nonsense without resorting to falsehoods. Your veneer of such "pious" distress is sickening. You wouldn't even return a friendly Happy Easter from a fellow Catholic. You imposter.

And again... The subject of this post has nothing do do with Jews. Go start your own post, Joe-Joe.

Stop trying to steal an audience for your nonsense on other people's posts. Stealing is wrong and you would not tolerate anyone doing this to your posts.

All you do is drop your dung wherever you think people will most likely step in it.
@Joseph a' Christian Ultrajudas is just jealous she isn't the main attraction on every single post.
Correction, Matty. I'm just tired of you and your bigots trying run GTV.
Oh discrimination? God is very discriminatory based on religion. This is a Catholic website. Not a jewish one, although it's almost like a jewish one with the way the moderators are. Go to a jewish website if you want lies. There are plenty of them: google, facebook, youtube, wikipedia, yahoo, haaretz, etc.
Joseph a' Christian
@Ultraviolet Why are you ranting? I commented on your post of false Jews repenting and following Jesus the true Christ. I welcome any Talmudite to repent and become Catholic, he would become my brother.
Me? Ranting? More like correcting. Ranting is what you and Matty love doing on other people's posts. Go start your own post, Joe-Joe. Protip: Christ taught that you should forgive your enemies and love your neighbor. He didn't say your "brothers". Stop re-writing Scripture Joseph a' Christian. I doubt the Church will give an imprimatur to your version of Bigot Jesus. ;-)
"Oh discrimination …More
Me? Ranting? More like correcting. Ranting is what you and Matty love doing on other people's posts. Go start your own post, Joe-Joe. Protip: Christ taught that you should forgive your enemies and love your neighbor. He didn't say your "brothers". Stop re-writing Scripture Joseph a' Christian. I doubt the Church will give an imprimatur to your version of Bigot Jesus. ;-)

"Oh discrimination? God is very discriminatory based on religion."

Indeed He is, mattsixteen24 How nice of you to finally notice Of all the races on He ever created, of all the religions He allowed to exist, in which one did He choose to raise His Son? Which religion was Jesus raised in?

"This is a Catholic website."

One would never tell by your comments. Since you're correct, that also means it isn't an anti-Semitic website.

"Not a jewish one, although it's almost like a jewish one with the way the moderators are."

You're crying about the mods? You? :D :D If this site had active moderators, you and Joe-Joe would have been banned weeks ago.

Oh, not just for the anti-Semitism, but for this relentless hijacking of other people's posts to steal an audience for your propaganda. Believe me, the day GTV gets functioning mods, you'll know it the moment you try to log in. :D

"Go to a jewish website if you want lies."

I get them here courtesy of you and Joe-Joe whether I want them or not. Suggestion: if you want to simmer in your hatred over Jews, go to Stormfront.

Ah, but then you'd just be preaching to the choir and not scouting out new converts and that's why you're really here. ;-)
@Joseph a' Christian That ultrajudas defends the jews for killing Christ. That's how evil it is. It's not worth wasting your time with one so full of malice. I highly suspect that users is a JIDF agent. aka they pretend to be a regular user but in reality they are a jew or work for jews who try to combat anyone that exposes the evil of the jews. A agent of satan is what they are. They are all over …More
@Joseph a' Christian That ultrajudas defends the jews for killing Christ. That's how evil it is. It's not worth wasting your time with one so full of malice. I highly suspect that users is a JIDF agent. aka they pretend to be a regular user but in reality they are a jew or work for jews who try to combat anyone that exposes the evil of the jews. A agent of satan is what they are. They are all over the internet. watch: Wikipedia - Israel's Internet Censorship War (JIDF)
"That ultrajudas defends the jews for killing Christ. That's how evil it is."
Outright Lie. Quote that "ultrajudas" directly or admit it's a deliberate falsehood. mattsixteen24 I'm calling you a liar. No one on GTV has ever done what you're claiming.
Puttin' it bluntly, Tex. If this was a little bar down in Falfurrias, you'd already be eating the side of a beer mug for that. ;-)
"It's not worth …More
"That ultrajudas defends the jews for killing Christ. That's how evil it is."

Outright Lie. Quote that "ultrajudas" directly or admit it's a deliberate falsehood. mattsixteen24 I'm calling you a liar. No one on GTV has ever done what you're claiming.

Puttin' it bluntly, Tex. If this was a little bar down in Falfurrias, you'd already be eating the side of a beer mug for that. ;-)

"It's not worth wasting your time with one so full of malice."

...said one anti-Semite to the other as they continue to spread their own hateful and hate-filled message... on other people's posts trying to steal an audience.

"I highly suspect that users is a JIDF agent."

...because Catholics are always rabid anti-Semites like you two, amirite? Protip: as our previous little spats have shown, I know Scripture and Catholic doctrine better than you do. That isn't the work of a "JIDF" just someone better educated without a skull packed full of Stormfront's dung, but please... do go on bearing false witness, Matty.

Your gullible lil' buddy will swallow anything you feed him. With his ungodly fascination with homosexuals, that does mean anything. ;-)
Joseph a' Christian
@Ultraviolet @mattsixteen24 The false Jews have written against my Lord Jesus, vile hateful slander, in their Talmud.
The vile Talmud would have to be renounced obviously, in order to follow the true Christ, Jesus.
"A true Catholic who converts from judaism renounces their jewish identity and jewry." Wrong. Saint Edith Stein was murdered for her "Jewish identity". She was ethnically Jewish and she was a Catholic nun. So the Nazis murdered her. So right from the get go, your first claim has been disproven. @mattsixteen24 That was easy.
One other little thing, Matty. This article is about Twitter, not GoogleMore
"A true Catholic who converts from judaism renounces their jewish identity and jewry." Wrong. Saint Edith Stein was murdered for her "Jewish identity". She was ethnically Jewish and she was a Catholic nun. So the Nazis murdered her. So right from the get go, your first claim has been disproven. @mattsixteen24 That was easy.

One other little thing, Matty. This article is about Twitter, not Google. Google wasn't being discussed until you started trying to support your bigot-buddy Joe-Joe with another topic shift.

Fact-Check: Twitter's founder and CEO is Jack Dorsey who is English/ Irish/ Italian. He was also raised as a Catholic and his uncle is a Catholic priest. No Jews there!

" five(5) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. "

Nice to see "Jews" now include non-Jews who married one. Wow. This is how bigots really think. You're just as bad as the climate change kooks when it comes to inflating your numbers.

Further, and this is the truly reprehensible part, you automatically conflate Jewish ethnicity and religion with evil. That's religious bigotry and racism, nothing more nothing less.

By your reasoning, they're "guilty" of being evil simply because they share the same ethnicity/ religious origin as Christ Himself. Christ was raised as a Jew and had earthly Jewish parents.
A true Catholic who converts from judaism renounces their jewish identity and jewry. You can't have it both ways.
"No man can serve two masters, for to please one amounts to contemning the other...It is a high crime indeed to withdraw allegiance from God in order to please men." - Pope Leo XIII, Sappientiæ Christianæ, #6&7, Jan. 10, 1890.
Who Controls America?
Google Inc.:…More
A true Catholic who converts from judaism renounces their jewish identity and jewry. You can't have it both ways.

"No man can serve two masters, for to please one amounts to contemning the other...It is a high crime indeed to withdraw allegiance from God in order to please men." - Pope Leo XIII, Sappientiæ Christianæ, #6&7, Jan. 10, 1890.

Who Controls America?

Google Inc.:
Executive Officers:
Larry Page(Ashkenazi Jew) – CEO

Eric E. Schmidt(possibly Ashkenazi Jew) – Executive Chairman

Sergey Brin(Ashkenazi Jew) – Co-Founder

Nikesh Arora(Indian) – Senior Vice President and Chief Business Officer

David C. Drummond(Jewish spouse: Marimo Berk) – Senior Vice President, Corporate Development and Chief Legal Officer

Patrick Pichette(Ashekanzi Jew) – Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Board of Directors:

Larry Page(Ashkenazi Jew) – CEO

Sergey Brin(Ashkenazi Jew) – Co-Founder

Eric E. Schmidt(Ashkenazi Jew) – Executive Chairman

L. John Doerr(White European)

Diane B. Greene(Jewish spouse: Mendel Rosenblum)

John L. Hennessy(White European)

Ann Mather(White European)

Paul S. Otellini(White European)

K. Ram Shriram(Indian)

Shirley M. Tilghman(Jewish spouse: Joseph Tilghman)

Of the six(6) Google executive officers, five(5) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 83%. Of the ten(10) Google directors, five(5) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 50%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the Google executive officers by a factor of 41.5 times(4,150 percent) and overrepresented on the Google board of directors by a factor of 25 times(2,500 percent).
* Jewish Population of the United States by State:…
Joseph a' Christian uses the term "managers" because he knows Google IS NOT owned nor run by Jews. So long as two managers in an entire company of close to 99,000 workers are Jewish, his statement is technically correct while remaining functionally wrong.
"are inflicted with the same false sensationalism, no matter what is the typed in request."
What you've just disclosed is you don't know how to …More
Joseph a' Christian uses the term "managers" because he knows Google IS NOT owned nor run by Jews. So long as two managers in an entire company of close to 99,000 workers are Jewish, his statement is technically correct while remaining functionally wrong.

"are inflicted with the same false sensationalism, no matter what is the typed in request."

What you've just disclosed is you don't know how to use Google, Joe-Joe. Seriously.

Always nice to see you slipping in your usual fantasies about the "Talmudist dominated big media". Except it doesn't apply here. Twitter is owned by Jack Dorsey who isn't a Jew. "Talmudist", which is how you anti-Semites say "Jew" when you want to sound educated instead of the stupid bigots you are.

"As Jesus commanded us faithful, let us shine our light to honor our Father in Heaven. Amen."

...which is why I like to fact-check your falsehoods and misrepresentations and expose you for what you are.
Joseph a' Christian
It is true, the subversive Google group, bombards people who are seeking information about this virus, with horror inducing headlines and charts.
Anyone who is seeking the many doctors’ reports, that provide information that the Talmud managers of Google don’t approve of, are inflicted with the same false sensationalism, no matter what is the typed in request.
Underlying/pre-existing diseases is …More
It is true, the subversive Google group, bombards people who are seeking information about this virus, with horror inducing headlines and charts.
Anyone who is seeking the many doctors’ reports, that provide information that the Talmud managers of Google don’t approve of, are inflicted with the same false sensationalism, no matter what is the typed in request.
Underlying/pre-existing diseases is a significant example. The Talmudist dominated big media, does not want people to know that at least 75% of the deaths falsely attributed to this virus, truthfully died from cancer, heart disease, obesity, old age..
A person who has the flu, yet dies from being electricuted, obviously did not die from the flu.
As Jesus commanded us faithful, let us shine our light to honor our Father in Heaven. Amen.
So? Is blaming China the next step? It doesn't matter who started it, what matters is our freedom, especially to worship Our God in our Churches with our priests. Of course it'd be nice too, to be allowed to talk with others, to enjoy fresh air and exercise without fear of reprisals.
Our Lady of Good Success, pray for us.