
Can a transsexual be a baptism godmother?

The Vicar General of the Diocese of La Rioja Argentina, sees allright for a transsexual to become a godmother in a Catholic Baptism. Father Enrique Martínez, general Vicar of the Diocese of La Rioja,…More
The Vicar General of the Diocese of La Rioja Argentina, sees allright for a transsexual to become a godmother in a Catholic Baptism.
Father Enrique Martínez, general Vicar of the Diocese of La Rioja, was interviewed by Radio Phoenix in relation to the complaint made public by Solange Lisette, a recognized transeuxal transvestite, who says that he was banned as godmother to a baby girl. The priest said that "it is a sensitive issue because there are personal situations where one has the basic ethics not to generalize and condemn out of the blue." And The priest brought up the words of Pope Francis saying "who am I to judge?"
( Fenix / InfoCatólica ) "When there is a recognition of the law that this person is female , a woman comes and asks to be godmother, I have to see that it is within general of the Act, to be baptized, confirmed and have a decent life to provide an example, 'said the vicar of the diocese Argentina.
He added that if a person has documentation that proves as a woman, …More
its not a matter of whether this person should be a God Parent, the question is whether the baptism should take place at all now. Parents must promise to bring their child up in the faith. If they want to appoint a transvestite to do that, they obviously are not taking such a promise in the right frame of mind, and so the baptism should not be allowed. 🤗
We are been bombarded with strange teachings that are NOT from the magisterium, woe to those who teach something different from the Gospel, we are been overun by the enemies of God BUT all we need is Jesus and true Catholics who will STAND for the truth... yuca, knights, hussi, adestes, ctc333 I will stand with you and also Louie Verecchio, Mr. Matt, V. Ferrara, Father Rodriguez, Fr, Salazar, and …More
We are been bombarded with strange teachings that are NOT from the magisterium, woe to those who teach something different from the Gospel, we are been overun by the enemies of God BUT all we need is Jesus and true Catholics who will STAND for the truth... yuca, knights, hussi, adestes, ctc333 I will stand with you and also Louie Verecchio, Mr. Matt, V. Ferrara, Father Rodriguez, Fr, Salazar, and those who I can't name because they are fighting in secret... we need to unite to SHINE A LIGHT, not the dark bulb of false Mercy but the LIGHT OF JESUS which is LOVE, MERCY, JUSTICE AND TRUTH.
That sounds familiar? 🤦 Cardinal Bergolio permitted a homosexual ceremony in a Basilica of Buenos Aires-Florencia De La V - Famous Transgender Florencia Trinidad (1976 - ) Cardinal Bergolio permitted a homosexual ceremony in a Basilica of Buenos Aires
St. Joseph Pray For Us
A man cannot be a woman, no matter if they mangle themselves, physically or with hormones, or both. There are only male and female, and it never changes, no matter what the attempts are of delusional people.
On Guard
How many other ways can they make a joke out of the Catholic Religion of Bergogolia from Argentina.
How can they make a mockery of the most fundamental Sacrament of our SACRED Religion?More
How many other ways can they make a joke out of the Catholic Religion of Bergogolia from Argentina.

How can they make a mockery of the most fundamental Sacrament of our SACRED Religion?