Facts Not Lies

Twelve Step Program to create a more Pliable USA

1) Cause education system to care less for education and more for feelings
2) Cause and give incentives for education system to allow failed students to progress
3) Reduce and eliminate incentives to reach individual potential
4) Import a large number of people from other, more passive populations
5) Form methods for tracking the population (by their choice e.g. Facebook and Cell phones+tracking apps)
6) Constantly use mainstream media and marketing to assert that every problem needs action which entails a cost (drugs, computer antiviruses, ...)
7) Constantly assert that use of shared storage is 'safer'... Use the Cloud!
8) Ensure fear of loss of information or money if all the processes above are not used
9) Make it difficult to disable cloud and tracking apps on phones

OK all the footwork is done... let this run for 3+ years. Then

10) Create of up-play a 'crisis' to test response of public
10a) If the public responds as desired go to next step
10b) If the public does not respond as desired go to step 6 above
11) Create a few more 'crises' and show how the government solved them (separate these events and test on foreign populations as well)
12) Up-play social/medical events toward a person or group

Now, the population is prepared and ready to believe about anything presented (with little coercion)

Time to attack!

Launch a campaign!

Actions by number:
1) Constantly up-play any hurt feelings and turn them into a 'cause'
"Student is verbally attacked by friend" (also included in step 11)
2) "No child Left Behind" (don't have passing scores... that's OK we will progress you anyway)

We now have less educated populate and they now are programmed that feelings are the highest priority (best not perform better than others or you are insensitive)

3) Create 'participation' awards that look very similar to those for high achievement; e.g.: "My child is an Honor student" bumper stickers. Eliminate "My child is on the Honor Roll" and other incentives. (imply incentives are is a form of Abelism)
4) Locate and offer immigration incentives for peoples from socialist countries which have passive traits
5) Create remote access to information for GPS, camera, phone, premises cams, ... Also provide convenient methods to access information in the home e.g.: Alexa and similar purchased spy boxes). Ensure that all vehicles have GPS or cellular services (for your safety). Facebook and like methods of publicly divulging more private information.
6) Nationally up-play small events which generally had been successfully resolve locally
7) Provide storage for private data "in the cloud" and reduce local storage capacity or storage speed in next revisions of devices.
8) Repeatedly up-play, headline the few cases where adverse events occurred. e.g.: "Virus damaged computer", "Data was lost because device failed", ...
9) By way of nags, defaults, misleading option questions, and hard to locate ways to prevent private data extraction .
10) U-play periodic natural disasters like flooding, tornados, earthquakes, and distant events.
11) Create a few crises... war, prejudices, data loss, financial loss, (Brexit?)
12) BLM, gender pronouns, ...

Now we have a population tailored to jump to the sound of the Pied Piper with little objection.

Launch COVID-19 scamdemic