The Mosque of Notre Dame. What ever happened to the crusaders? They don't care anymore, they lost their faith, they were secularized and you can't blame Muslims for that. The problem is us, not them.…More
The Mosque of Notre Dame.

What ever happened to the crusaders? They don't care anymore, they lost their faith, they were secularized and you can't blame Muslims for that. The problem is us, not them. And if we Christians don't rediscover Christianity, we will cease to exist. Here's a new novel about what post-Christians Europe will look like. Order from www.remnantnewspaper.com
I'd rather see NDP transformed into a library than into a mosque. It's like seeing a sister nun leave her vows to become a prostitute instead of a nurse, for example.
After having seen the end of "our" regime, Sharia does not frighten me. That Notre Dame de Paris turns into a mosque will be an emprovement compared to the den of tourists it is now. In other words: What "we" are doing now, makes Islam look good.