If you really want to know the sensus fidei, generate a sample of nations, dioceses, and parishes; then field a brief, well-translated universal survey, add a few demographic markers, and include a few open questions. If you want to know what lapsed Catholics think, do the same. Outsiders? A similar process. But understanding the sensus fidei is not what the synod’s instructions appear to have …More
If you really want to know the sensus fidei, generate a sample of nations, dioceses, and parishes; then field a brief, well-translated universal survey, add a few demographic markers, and include a few open questions. If you want to know what lapsed Catholics think, do the same. Outsiders? A similar process. But understanding the sensus fidei is not what the synod’s instructions appear to have sought.

Census Fidei? Methodological Missteps Are Undermining the Catholic Church’s Synod on Synodality

“Synodality” is a confusing word that attentive Catholics are discussing these days, but its meaning is …
Sensus Fidei is not a democratic process where all the people who pay money to the church have a vote.
It is all explained here in this link below, and it is very clearly authorized by ehm... Cardinal Gerhard L. Müller when he was still Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, before he was silenced and kicked out by his one and only "superior".
Sensus fidei in the life of the …More
Sensus Fidei is not a democratic process where all the people who pay money to the church have a vote.
It is all explained here in this link below, and it is very clearly authorized by ehm... Cardinal Gerhard L. Müller when he was still Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, before he was silenced and kicked out by his one and only "superior".
Sensus fidei in the life of the Church (2014)
This doc is from 2014, just after B16 abdicated, what could fnarcis have said at that point that was worth mentioning in a doc that was in the making from 2006 or so?
Believe me that when I first read this, there was no reference to pope Francis and there were logically many references to pope B16. Today there is not any reference left in this doc to B16. I am not going to read it myself again, however a quick search shows that all the B16 references were removed and replaced by references to pope Francis. This is more serious than you might think and is evidence that the base of the church is treated as a game of Jenga and will drop anytime soon, that fnarcis is indeed resentful and narcissistic.
@mystic I think you explain something that is not present in the whole article.
How is it that my answer came into being?
It was not my intention to explain anything in the document, but respond to your remarks.
So what initially triggered me were your remarks, where you say that "If you really want to know the sensus fidei, generate a sample of nations, dioceses, and parishes; then field a brief, well-translated universal survey, add a few demographic markers, and include a …More
How is it that my answer came into being?
It was not my intention to explain anything in the document, but respond to your remarks.
So what initially triggered me were your remarks, where you say that "If you really want to know the sensus fidei, generate a sample of nations, dioceses, and parishes; then field a brief, well-translated universal survey, add a few demographic markers, and include a few open questions." So that is not sensus fidei. As a reference for understanding I included the link to what you should read to understand it. In short: Sensus Fidei is more like if the Vatican limits the adoration of a saint, and then after 200 years, if the fidei are still revering that saint and reverence only grows, then the sensus (the institutional instrument of the church) is God speaking through the church. And the church is not a compilation of individual opinions of the members, but an emergence of an attitude of the fidei as a body. So When I wrote that down, I started to look at the vatican document and was indignated by possible changes in that document that I had noticed, and for this reason I wrote the rest of my answer just thinking out loud. However my point is: PLease start to understand Sensus Fidei, and indeed as the article mentions: a synod has the wrong dynamics. I would say that a synod dynamics, including the opinion of every member of the church is like trying to press wine from grape seeds.