Discover the Anthem of British Activism: The People's Champion Discover the Anthem of British Activism: The People's Champion In this powerful music video, we bring you "The People's Champion," an …More
Discover the Anthem of British Activism: The People's Champion
Discover the Anthem of British Activism: The People's Champion
In this powerful music video, we bring you "The People's Champion," an anthem that stands tall for truth and justice. Inspired by the relentless spirit of British activist Tommy Robinson, this song captures the essence of standing up for one's beliefs, even in the face of adversity.
Tommy Robinson has been vilified by the press for the truths he dared to speak, imprisoned for speaking out, and yet he stood his ground with pride. This anthem echoes the values of freedom, justice, and the unwavering love for one's country. Join us in celebrating the spirit of activism and the fight for freedom of speech.
Join the movement and share this anthem of British activism!
#TommyRobinson #ThePeoplesChampion #BritishActivism #FreedomOfSpeech #JusticeForAll
Everyday for Life Canada
Tommy is speaking here in Toronto tonight. He was arrested a week ago and released. His passport was seized. He wasn't charged with anything. Rebel News that is sponsoring his Canada talking tour got lawyers to get Tommy out. Surely the Justin Trudeau government wanted to send him a message. The lesson once again: Freedom is not free.
Maria delos Angeles
Interesting developments, and hopefully a mutually fruitful collab. I like the simple "Tommy, Tommy , Tommy Robinson chant" the crowds were doing, it was heady and had the taste of freedom encapsulating the great-ness of Britain (and what stands to be lost if we dont fight). It sounded like a football chant.. but hooligans? Not that I am aware, maybe an odd few of your usual troublemakers; the MSN …More
Interesting developments, and hopefully a mutually fruitful collab. I like the simple "Tommy, Tommy , Tommy Robinson chant" the crowds were doing, it was heady and had the taste of freedom encapsulating the great-ness of Britain (and what stands to be lost if we dont fight). It sounded like a football chant.. but hooligans? Not that I am aware, maybe an odd few of your usual troublemakers; the MSN would have folk believe otherwise.