Living the Radical Love of St. Francis - the Lacon, IL Franciscan Sisters. laconfranciscans.org - What is so special about life as a Daughter of St. Francis of Assisi? Learn from the Sisters themselves …More
Living the Radical Love of St. Francis - the Lacon, IL Franciscan Sisters.

laconfranciscans.org - What is so special about life as a Daughter of St. Francis of Assisi? Learn from the Sisters themselves, as they tell it, as well what their local bishop says.

What kind of life do the Sisters live? St. Francis loved God with a radical love - a love that embraced God's will over his own. He was willing to follow whatever path God called him to. Do you want a portion of that spirit? Your vowed life as a Sister is a relationship with God that lasts forever. You will also have a spiritual bond with other Sisters in your community - a family bond that will follow you into eternity.

Learn more on the website of the Lacon Franciscans, at laconfranciscans.org