Gloria.TV News on the 15th of September 2015 Polemics: Last Sunday, Buenos Aires Radio Milenium aired an interview with Pope Francis. In it, Francis strongly criticizes judgmental behavour which …More
Gloria.TV News on the 15th of September 2015

Polemics: Last Sunday, Buenos Aires Radio Milenium aired an interview with Pope Francis. In it, Francis strongly criticizes judgmental behavour which according to him “sows distance”. Nevertheless, in the same interview he condems those who he calls “fundamentalists”. He accuses them of – quote – destroying in the name of an idea, not of a reality.” According to Gloria.tv it is as if Francis was speaking out against … the liberals for whom zeitgeisty ideologies are more important than the reality of faith .

Three People, One People? In the same interview, Francis claims that – quote - “God accompanies his people and is a presence of company both in Judaism and in Christianity as well as in Islam, in the faith of these three people.”

Unwelcome Prophet: According to Fr Kevin Cusick, the traditional Mass plays a needed prophetic role in the Church. Quote: “Nothing offers the presence of God more than the Holy Mass and no rite of the Latin Church more effectively than the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass.” According to him, this Mass is a prophetic gesture also to the Church, which like the Israelites of old wants to be relevant to the world by playing catch-up with a society that increasingly hates all that the Church stands for and is. Quote: “And so it is no wonder that there is hostility within the Church among her bishops and priests to this Mass, for a prophet is never welcome in his own house.”

Tragic History: The Russian Government plans to burry the remains of Tsarevich Alexey and his sister Grand Duchess Maria in Catherine's aisle of the Peter and Paul Cathedral of St. Petersburg's Peter and Paul Fortress on October 18. A grave with nine bodies was found near Yekaterinburg in July 1991. They were identified as those of Tsar Nicholas II, his wife, three of their daughters and four servants, brutally murdered by the Communists. In July 2007 two more bodies were discovered 70 kilometers south of the first grave. Analyses indicate that they are those of Tsarevitch Alexey and his sister Maria.
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Hasta las revistas americanas preguntan si Bergoglio es catolico.Solo otro apóstata puede empecinarse en su ceguera fuerzadelaverdad3.blogspot.com.co/…/portada-de-revi…
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Cristo fue considerado por los judios fundamentalista pero los incapaces de cumplir la ley de Dios son tan arrogantes que llaman a los si que la cumplen fundamentalistas.
Papa Francisco: Ninguna religión es inmune a sus propios fundamentalismos. En toda confesión habrá un grupito de fundamentalistas, cuyo trabajo es destruir en aras de una idea, no de una realidad. Y la realidad es superior a la idea. Dios, sea en el judaísmo, sea en el cristianismo, sea en el islamismo, en la fe de esos tres pueblos, acompaña a su pueblo, es una presencia de compañía. En la Biblia …More
Papa Francisco: Ninguna religión es inmune a sus propios fundamentalismos. En toda confesión habrá un grupito de fundamentalistas, cuyo trabajo es destruir en aras de una idea, no de una realidad. Y la realidad es superior a la idea. Dios, sea en el judaísmo, sea en el cristianismo, sea en el islamismo, en la fe de esos tres pueblos, acompaña a su pueblo, es una presencia de compañía. En la Biblia lo vemos, los islámicos en el Corán. Nuestro Dios es un Dios cercano, que acompaña. Los fundamentalistas alejan a Dios de la compañía de su pueblo, lo desencarnan, lo transforman en una ideología. Entonces, en nombre de ese Dios ideólogo, matan, atacan, destruyen, calumnian. Para ser un poco práctico, transforman a ese Dios en un Baal, en un ídolo.

adeste fideles
En Dios confiamos 🤗 La Sangre de Jesucristo te cubra y ampare y a toda tu
casa y familia, amén.
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Aun estoy de viajes Bendiciones
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✍️ Así es. Noticias en Español cuándo nos actualizas ?
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Igualar una falsa religión como el Islam con la revelación de Dios a la Iglesia Católica es la negación publica de Jesucristo y la mayor blasfemia! Apostasia publica violacion del primer mandamiento.
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Esas Tres personas ? Para referirse a la Santísima Trinidad eso es otra blasfemia !! en boca de Bergoglio . Sigue la apostasis al rojo vivo !!! para la muestra un botón
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I am pretty sure by fundamentalists he was referring to ISIS, Al-Qaeda, etc.
The quote from Francis is: 'Their mission is to destroy in the name of an idea, not a reality.... They kill, attack, destroy, malign in the name of an ideological god'More
I am pretty sure by fundamentalists he was referring to ISIS, Al-Qaeda, etc.

The quote from Francis is: 'Their mission is to destroy in the name of an idea, not a reality.... They kill, attack, destroy, malign in the name of an ideological god'