Gloria.TV News on the 30th of January 2015 An Admirer: After Pope Francis’ election, now 74-year-old Carmelite Father Bruno Secondin who teaches at the Gregorian University in Rome, was ravished: “…More
Gloria.TV News on the 30th of January 2015

An Admirer: After Pope Francis’ election, now 74-year-old Carmelite Father Bruno Secondin who teaches at the Gregorian University in Rome, was ravished: “Simplicity, cordiality, liberty” – he wrote in an article adding a side blow against Benedict XVI. Quote: “This is completely different from the recent times in the hallowed halls of the Vatican.” Now, Pope Francis has chosen his admirer Secondin to preach the Lenten retreat to the Roman Curia.

It was the Pope’s Decision: During a speech at last week’s Conference of Family and Life Movements held in Rome, Cardinal Baldisseri, the Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, explained why the final document of last years Synod on the Family include controversial paragraphs on homosex, concubinage and communion for adulterers although they were not approved by the Synod. Quote: “It was the Pope’s decision to include the points that did not receive the two-thirds majority.”

The Pope Knew Everything: Cardinal Baldisseri confirmed the direct involvement of the Pope in last year’s controversial Synod of the Family. Quote: “The documents were all seen and approved by the Pope.” And: “Even the documents during the Synod, such as the preliminary report, the interim report and the final report were seen by him before they were published.” The interim report caused a worldwide scandal among the faithful.

No acceptance: Catholic archbishop Nikolaos Printezis of Naxos, Andros, Tinos e Mykonos has welcomed the new Greek government which consists mainly of anti-Church atheists and former Communists. According to Printezis the government appeared determined to treat religious minorities with greater equality Quote: “Up to now, there’s been a very obvious division between Orthodox citizens and those of other faiths — if you were Orthodox, all was well, but if you were Catholic or Protestant, it wasn’t.” Printezis added that the Catholic Church is still being denied “official acceptance.”
We have to say the "human rights" politicians and their roman chums, who call themselves bishops, who they really are.
The massive inculturation, that is entering a highly civilized European culture against their will, is in thruth a rape of European peoples.
Therefore they are traitors on the self-determined Europeans, their rapists and murderers. They do not differ from the islamic terrorists, …More
We have to say the "human rights" politicians and their roman chums, who call themselves bishops, who they really are.
The massive inculturation, that is entering a highly civilized European culture against their will, is in thruth a rape of European peoples.
Therefore they are traitors on the self-determined Europeans, their rapists and murderers. They do not differ from the islamic terrorists, because they support them with weapons, and operate an Genocid together with them, as it was the Holocaust.

These are facts, as well as the fact that they operate a global systematic abortion industry, while they conceal as well the 50 million victims, the unborn children.

You must no longer hold a mirror of truth to them, because they have revealed already her true face.
Now it´s no longer possible to lie and cheat to the people, that have the love of the truth. But the people who take not the love of the truth, they can tell them still fairytales and a false Gospel.
But God leaves them all in their mistakes.

All what the enemy of God and his people, the Liar and human-murderer, say and do, serves only the cover-up of their intentions and what they are doing behind the backs of the citizens.
And so all the culprits who don't accept the love of the truth, persecute those who know the truth.
Therefore, they form an alliance with the war criminals of the islam-adherents, and a common war against the Christians, who shows them the truth - for the truth is unbearable for them... - so that they intolerable kill all the mirrors that show them the truth. Only people that are a mirror of the lie for them, are bearable for them.


Con el Papa Francisco
S.S. Benedicto XVI: El Papa emérito califica de "TOTAL ESTUPIDEZ" que él se oponga a lo tratado en el Sínodo de la Familia. Ademas de afirmar Benedicto XVI, que: "...El auténtico creyente tiene claro que Francisco es el VERDADERO PAPA...".
Vale la pena seguir luchando por Jesucristo y su santa Iglesia:
Para la Gloria de …More

S.S. Benedicto XVI: El Papa emérito califica de "TOTAL ESTUPIDEZ" que él se oponga a lo tratado en el Sínodo de la Familia. Ademas de afirmar Benedicto XVI, que: "...El auténtico creyente tiene claro que Francisco es el VERDADERO PAPA...".

Vale la pena seguir luchando por Jesucristo y su santa Iglesia:
Para la Gloria de Dios ya varias personas que como San Pablo tiraban piedras a los apóstoles de Jesucristo, han parado la presunción maléfica, de pesar saber más que el Espíritu Santo de Dios, que los impulsaba a juzgar y a criticar al Papa Francisco y a sus palabras y acciones, y ahora recogen esas mismas piedras, para ayudar a reconstruir la Casa de Dios, y con humildad como san Francisco de asís, ahora oremos para que perseveren en el bien, y por aquellos que solo se han moderado y no se atreven a confesar su error, quizás por soberbia, ya van varios testimonios valientes come este, que recientemente me escribieron los mensajes privado:

Te dejo el testimonio (Me reservo el nombre de la persona que lo envió):

👏 Petrí - Apostoli - Potestatem - Accipiens, y se traducen así: "El que recibe la Potestad del Apóstol Pedro".
Mi testimonio: todos saben que criticaba mucho al Papa, un día iba a ver un video de youtuve donde dice que su libro es pura Nueva Era , al querer darle click escuché una voz masculina dentro de mi, dijo solo una palabra que me paró en seco, la palabra que escuche que dijo fue: F I D E L I D A D.
Me paré y decidi hacerle caso, el día que fui a confesarme antes de hacerlo rezé para que me dijera el ESPÍRITU Santo de que debía de confesarme, lo primero que salió de mi boca fue que critique y llamé muy feo al Santo Padre, pues recibí una fortísima penitencia , tan fuerte que no paré de llorar en 2 días , fui con otro sacerdote y me dijo que era muy grave lo que había hecho. Dios sabe que no miento.


La Virgen de Medjugorje es como El Juan Bautista de nuestros días, los Fariseos Cismáticos la niegan pero en secreto, porque saben que todo El pueblo de Dios la reconoce como autentica Aparición.
La Virgen respalda a el Papa Francisco, Como Juan El Bautista respaldó a Jesús de Nazaret.
Pero los réprobos según dice San Luis María de Montfort aparentan devoción, pero las presunción diabólica los hace criticar a la Virgen y a sus santos profetas, y persiguen a todos los consagrado al su Inmaculado Corazón. Ah y Papa Francisco consagró su Pontificado al Inmaculado corazón de Maria, es por eso que El Demonio y sus secuaces lo critican y calumnian tanto.

EL PAPA FRANCISCO ES ATACADO POR LA EXTREMA IZQUIERDA Y LA DERECHA EXTREMA, son las palabras que nos indica en esta reveladora entrevista realizada por Radio Natividad en San Cristóbal - Venezuela, el Reverendo Padre Luciano Ciciarelli, Sacerdote Montfortiano, quien es representante mundial de la Consecratio Mundi - Asociación Católica. En esta nos aclara deforma diáfana y directa sobre las mentiras, calumnias y engaños fabricados contra la persona de S.S. el Papa Francisco, quien desde el inicio de su Santo Pontificado ha sido objeto de toda una campaña de ataques de descrédito por parte de algunos medios seculares de información y de supuestos seudo-videntes que afirman que el sería el supuesto falso papa y aliado del anticristo, del cual profetizan las escrituras. Durante la entrevista nos relata de su experiencia inedita con el Papa Francisco donde nos comenta que el mismo es un PAPA GIGANTE CON UNA DEVOCIÓN A LA VIRGEN MARÍA INCLUSO MAYOR QUE A LA DEL PAPA JUAN PABLO II, en cierto sentido ..
Con el Papa Francisco
Great Job..
Thanks for the news.
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