
Pope's Address to Roman Curia

Vatican City, December 23, 2014 (Zenit.org) | 5755 hits At 10:30 this morning, Pope Francis received in audience the Cardinals and Superiors of the Roman Curia for the presentation of Christmas greetings. …More
Vatican City, December 23, 2014 (Zenit.org) | 5755 hits
At 10:30 this morning, Pope Francis received in audience the Cardinals and Superiors of the Roman Curia for the presentation of Christmas greetings.
After the greeting of the Dean of the College of Cardinals, Cardinal Angelo Sodano, the Pope gave the Roman Curia the address ZENIT translates below.
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“Thou art above the Cherubim, Thou who hast changed the miserable
condition of the world when Thou made Thyself like us” (Saint Athanasius).
obviously this reis gentleman is a man very deceived. have you ever read prophecy sir? Do you ever read the Bible? bergoglio wrote in his last encyclica evangeli gaudium , on point 247 that God never revoked the covenant with the jews; this is a blatant break of dogma and goes directly against the Word of God. I am sorry, senor reis, but I' not politically correct; as pope JPII ordered us, I call …More
obviously this reis gentleman is a man very deceived. have you ever read prophecy sir? Do you ever read the Bible? bergoglio wrote in his last encyclica evangeli gaudium , on point 247 that God never revoked the covenant with the jews; this is a blatant break of dogma and goes directly against the Word of God. I am sorry, senor reis, but I' not politically correct; as pope JPII ordered us, I call things by their names and me knowing catholic teaching, I know bergoglio grossely broke a dogma, something never happened in the history of our church. Not even anti-popes broke dogmas like did bergoglio the false prophet !! Please get acquanted with catholic dogma, with tradition because for me you already belong to the vast universe of catholics which were predicted to be fooled by this man !!! And bergoglio himself doesn' like to be seen as the pope and he is right, because he is not !! More, the man is not even a catholic, but an ecclesiastical freemason, a gnostic who uses semantics deception everytime he talks. I am trained in spoting gnostic semantic deception and that is called..bergoglio !!!d do me a favour: have more respect for a genuine consecrated person, will you?
bergoglio is no holy father, Benedict is !!! google the vision of pope pius x regarding a future pope, a successor, of the same name (joseph), who would have to suffer much before and during tribulations and would be martyres
Also google anne catherine emmerich vision, when she saw, word by word, the false prophet's
first false teaching for the new false church:LIVE AND LET LIVE. Exactly what …More
bergoglio is no holy father, Benedict is !!! google the vision of pope pius x regarding a future pope, a successor, of the same name (joseph), who would have to suffer much before and during tribulations and would be martyres
Also google anne catherine emmerich vision, when she saw, word by word, the false prophet's
first false teaching for the new false church:LIVE AND LET LIVE. Exactly what bergoglio stated as the first secret for a life of happiness !!!d in the end.
It has been reported that some british bishops took the innitiative of gathering cardinals to arrage the election of bergoglio and this knew what was going on..this makes the election ul..for this, read the prophecy of saint francis, where he said the false prophet would be falsely elected, uncanonically elected !!! Therare many prophecies about this situation of us having two popes, one with normal traditional views and another heretic !!
Guess who the heretic is !!! It has been said by Scripture and all prophecies that this man would have the ability to even deceive the elect..this is exactly what is happening. bergoglio is leading catholics into apostasy !!!
BrAlexisBugnolo, Shouldn’t you be taking the example of the Saints; for no Saint ever acted cowardly or held such contempt for the Holy Father; not only that, but there is really no example worse or more wicked than a bad religious. A cursory review of your writings reflect clearly the repute you hold for the Holy Father, Pope Francis. Even in the secular world one would be held severely liable …More
BrAlexisBugnolo, Shouldn’t you be taking the example of the Saints; for no Saint ever acted cowardly or held such contempt for the Holy Father; not only that, but there is really no example worse or more wicked than a bad religious. A cursory review of your writings reflect clearly the repute you hold for the Holy Father, Pope Francis. Even in the secular world one would be held severely liable for undermining the authority of his superior; your writings are an act of injustice to the Holy Father, they are mere suspicion, a sham, and a grave sin; and a sin to those who take pleasure in your unjust writings...

Luke 18
Perhaps it is because so many prefer a Pope who is lauded by those who tango in St. Peter's Square and persecutes Catholic groups who attend the ancient Roman Rite, while giving Nuns infamous for their heterodoxy a clean pass? — However, whatever your personal preferences, all Catholics should insist on the upholding of the laws regarding the election of the Pope and take these very seriously, …More
Perhaps it is because so many prefer a Pope who is lauded by those who tango in St. Peter's Square and persecutes Catholic groups who attend the ancient Roman Rite, while giving Nuns infamous for their heterodoxy a clean pass? — However, whatever your personal preferences, all Catholics should insist on the upholding of the laws regarding the election of the Pope and take these very seriously, otherwise the Church becomes a tyranny.
Dr. Riess,
Brother Bugnolo's comments did not come across as intemperate. Yet your response to him was anything but respectful. I wonder if, perhaps, your oversensitivity is due to an awareness of the problematic aspects of Pope Francis' pontificate, which you are unwilling to face?More
Dr. Riess,

Brother Bugnolo's comments did not come across as intemperate. Yet your response to him was anything but respectful. I wonder if, perhaps, your oversensitivity is due to an awareness of the problematic aspects of Pope Francis' pontificate, which you are unwilling to face?
Dear Dr. Reiss, to which comment are you refering, all my comments are very temperate, and I have in nothing nor nowwhere in any of them or the links, spoken disrespectfully of Pope Francis....
Instead of criticizing the hard working Curia, how about investigating what Team Bergoglio did?
Instead of criticizing the hard working Curia, how about investigating what Team Bergoglio did?
