Stano Kobella

Proroctvo... Lev reve, vraví Pán

12. augusta 2023

Ján 4:14: Ježiš povedal: "Ale kto sa napije z vody, ktorú mu Ja dám, ten nebude žízniť na veky; ale voda, ktorú mu dám, obráti sa v ňom na prameň vody, vyvierajúcej do večného života."


"Prečo plačete? Poďte Ma nasledovať. Dám vám živú vodu. Volajte teraz ku Mne. Vypočujem vás. Očakávam vás. Kajajte sa a žite.

Keď príde čas, keď tu bude plač a škrípanie zubami, nariekanie a kvílenie v uliciach, ľudia porozumejú pochybeniu svojich ciest. Budú Ma hľadať a nenájdu Ma. Nebudem ich počúvať.

Čas sa mení priamo pred vašimi očami, predsa mnohí to nevidia. Dnes sa v tom, čo počúvate, napĺňajú písma, avšak mnohí nepočúvajú. Deň odplaty je na nadosah. Lev reve." *



August 12th, 2023.

John Chapter 4 verses 14: Jesus said: "But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life."


"Why are you weeping? Come follow me. I will give you living water. Call on Me now. I will hear you. I have been waiting for you. Repent and live.

As time comes, when there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, crying and wailing in the streets, men will understand the error of their ways. They will look for Me and not find Me. I will not hear them.

Time is changing right before your eyes, yet many do not see it. Today in your hearing scriptures are being fulfilled, yet many do not hear. The day of vengeance is at hand. The lion is roaring."
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