Quo Primum
Summary of the greatest hoax in history
James Lesser shares this
Ave Crux
The level and extent of the mendacity which is drowning the human race in deception is heartbreaking....
Worst of all, it has been used to suppress the Mass, deprive the living and the dying of the Sacraments, and insult Almighty God by calling Him "non-essential" at the very time we most desperately need Him.
The world rulers are the insane blind leading the blind into even greater insanity.....More
The level and extent of the mendacity which is drowning the human race in deception is heartbreaking....

Worst of all, it has been used to suppress the Mass, deprive the living and the dying of the Sacraments, and insult Almighty God by calling Him "non-essential" at the very time we most desperately need Him.

The world rulers are the insane blind leading the blind into even greater insanity.....