Diocese of Buffalo to Merge a Third of its Parishes

Diocese of Buffalo to Merge a Third of its Parishes

The Diocese of Buffalo announced it will be merging over a third of its 160 parishes, calling the move an effort to “reinvigorate the Catholic faith …
Yeah, you got that right. And these mendacious comments are usually packaged by PR firms with inane slogans like: "Ignite the Gospel" or "Keeping the Flame Alive" Guess it's appropriate since it's basically a fire sale of real estates assets.
John A Cassani
In Boston, it was “Disciples in Mission,” which went by its apt initials, DIM. Millions were wasted on it.
John A Cassani
I wonder if these bishops will ever stop telling the lie that these consolidations are meant to “reinvigorate evangelization” or something similar. Parishes are going bankrupt because they need to be well supported by their current parishioners, who are too few and too overburdened to be able to do so.