The Holocaust of souls

Pope Leo the great heard Almighty Father saying in his vision, about when more power was given to the devil: “there will be a great price to pay."

Forwarding to Pope Paul VI: “the smoke of satan has entered the Church”, we are suffering this alright.

Bear with me… in horror movies you often hear some guy who is supposed to know about demons, saying: “the greatest triumph of the devil was making everyone believe that he doesn’t exist.”

It is true, that in itself is a triumph, but according to the devil himself, his greatest triumph has been convincing the Catholic Church to give the Eucharist in the hand.

In an exorcism performed by a famous exorcist in Colombia, Fr Wilson Salazar, the devil obliged by our Blessed Mother Mary, revealed, how he convinced the Church to allow such a mockery to our Lord, when not even angels are allow to touch our Lord in Heaven, but we on earth we stretch out our unworthy hands and touch Jesus Holy Flesh, those, who are devil followers, they have it easy to steal a consecrated host and do wicked things on to it.

There is a reason why since 1965, no great saint has been born into the world, think about it, all of the last great saints were born before 1965,

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2016 - 20.04
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2016 - 20.04

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