
Posted by voiceofthesheepblog on May 27, 2016

The United States of America, the Land of the “free” and the home of the strange, as we walk side by side (unwillingly), with men who have taken their sins to another level, the land of transgenders: Transgenderwood.

Transgenders defy Almighty Father in such an open way, they hide in the sufferings they have “endured”, like if they were heroes; transgenders back up with the gay lobby, they corrupt everything in society, like a virus, a disease, corrupting the body taking away life.

The United States of America is the leading beacon, corrupting everything it touches, look how they corrupted the education system, the diplomat corps, the military… I often see to Heaven and ask God: “Please come now, don’t delay”

Like Lot waiting at the gates of Sodom I’m waiting for God, but Lot did wait a long time, while Sodom had their filth going on 24 hours a day.

Lifesitenews did a piece which describes the poison hidden between the lines of Obama’s transgender hellish plan (here), it shows how deep the bullying is, in summary if you don’t do what they want, federal law suits will follow and your funds will be taken away, so you comply or go bankrupt.

Right now, most of the giant corporations in the USA have that policy in place, in which a man can use the women’s bathroom, Target was the only one that made it public, but most giant business have this policy now, so if you go to a supervisor dressed like your grandma you could use women’s bathroom.

Vengeance is coming for the USA of America, the land of my birthplace, we will get kicked in the mouth with fire;

Read more here:
True, unfortunately.