Do Crosses Violate "Human Rights" of Muslims

Do Crosses at Catholic University Violate “Human Rights” of Muslims?

The Washington, D.C. Office of Human Rights confirmed that it is investigating allegations that Catholic University violated the human rights of Muslim students by not allowing them to form a Muslim student group and by not providing them rooms without Christian symbols for their daily prayers.

The investigation alleges that Muslim students “must perform their prayers surrounded by symbols of Catholicism – e.g., a wooden crucifix, paintings of Jesus, pictures of priests and theologians which many Muslim students find inappropriate.”

A spokesperson for the Office of Human Rights told Fox News they had received a 60-page complaint against the private university. The investigation, they said, could take as long a six months.

The complaint was filed by John Banzhaf, an attorney and professor at George Washington University Law School. Banzhaf has been involved in previous litigation against the school involving the same-sex residence halls. He also alleged in his complaint involving Muslim students that women at the university were being discriminated against.
You can read more by clicking here.
Why are they attending a Catholic University to start with? If thet don't like it then get out. 😎
“The wicked exist in this world either to be converted
or that through them the good may exercise patience.”

Saint AugustineMore
“The wicked exist in this world either to be converted
or that through them the good may exercise patience.”

Saint Augustine
You don't see any Christians complaining in Muslims school in Muslim countries?! I wonder why? Oh yea! Thats because they would get their heads cut off! Muslims are two faced! They want people to be fair when their the minority but when their the majority they will turn violent! I say leave the crosses and tell them they can pray by the toilets. 🤬
✍️ The crucifix is a statement that the Qur'an is lying when it says that Jesus was not crucified. - Rene
Nobody said these Muslims HAD to go to a Catholic university! 😡
Damascus Route
If these kind Muslim students are truly devout in their prayers, how could Christian symbols be a hindrance to them? If they have a room where peace and silence can be guaranteed, there shouldn't be any problem. All they need to do is to be at peace within themselves and pray. As Muslims these symbols representing another religion shouldn't mean anything to them and should hence not be a reason for …More
If these kind Muslim students are truly devout in their prayers, how could Christian symbols be a hindrance to them? If they have a room where peace and silence can be guaranteed, there shouldn't be any problem. All they need to do is to be at peace within themselves and pray. As Muslims these symbols representing another religion shouldn't mean anything to them and should hence not be a reason for distress.
They should also take into account that is was their choice to join a Catholic university. If they are adult enough within their religious belief, they should then be able to comprehend that they should adapt to the environment in which they are studying. But by all means yes give them a quiet place to pray in their manner but may our holy symbols remain in place.