Archbishop Viganò: Swiss guards should arrest Bergoglio and Fernandez, expel them from the Vatican …

The Swiss Guards have sworn to defend the See of Peter, not the one who is systematically demolishing …
One more comment from la verdad prevalece
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio rebels against the Church and against God with full knowledge and Malice.
Tucho said that when Bergoglio offered him the position, he (Bergoglio) proposed changing the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Which the anti-Catholic Bergoglio defames. "Tucho" Fernández: "Me llegaron a decir que yo no fundamentaba la visión de la Iglesia sobre los homosexuales"
Pope Francis must rescind …More
Bergoglio rebels against the Church and against God with full knowledge and Malice.
Tucho said that when Bergoglio offered him the position, he (Bergoglio) proposed changing the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Which the anti-Catholic Bergoglio defames. "Tucho" Fernández: "Me llegaron a decir que yo no fundamentaba la visión de la Iglesia sobre los homosexuales"

Pope Francis must rescind his scandalous pick of Archbishop Fernández for top Vatican post - LifeSite (