OK, officially no Catholic can vote for this cretin..

UK Prime Minister comes out in favour of assisted dying - Catholic Herald

Both leaders of the UK’s two largest political parties have now indicated that they personally do not oppose assisted dying, …
All of the major UK parties are pro-Abortion, pro-Euthanasia and pro-Eugenics. Even Reform was awful during the Covid scam pushing the abortion-tainted jabs. The Heritage Party and some independent candidates are the only ones who are safe on Life issues.
Maria delos Angeles
Yes - you a probably right, but as with most cases one probably winds up voting tactically at the gen ec. to choose the lesser of evils. Richard Tice I did hear earlier come out and say they would investigate the excess deaths likely caused by the death jab (paraphrasing).
Tice pushed mandatory jabs. He's a wrong 'un. Anyone can call for investigations after the event. Those who were in the fight from the outset and at every pro-liberty and anti-lockdown demonstration (like David Kurten of Heritage Party, for example) are more trustworthy.
Maria delos Angeles
The Conservatives are not calling for investigations into the death jabs, they are hedging. Who do you suggest one votes for who is the least of the worst and has a remote chance of winning? Thanks, given where the majority of UK is at likely to be at at 4th Jul
There is no party worth voting for which has a chance of winning. The system is fixed. If there was a decent independent standing in my constituency I'd probably give him or her my vote. But there isn't. I won't be voting because that would suggest that the system is honest and that there's an actual democracy at play. The UK needs to hit rock bottom so that a new political system can emerge. At …More
There is no party worth voting for which has a chance of winning. The system is fixed. If there was a decent independent standing in my constituency I'd probably give him or her my vote. But there isn't. I won't be voting because that would suggest that the system is honest and that there's an actual democracy at play. The UK needs to hit rock bottom so that a new political system can emerge. At the moment it's depressing that the UK, as we have known it, is in terminal decline. It gives me no pleasure to recognise this - but I am a realist.
Maria delos Angeles
"During the G7 summit, Rishi Sunak said he is not opposed to assisted dying – which is also known as assisted suicide, especially among those opposed to changing the law on it – as long as there are safeguards to protect the vulnerable and ensure no one is pressurised into killing themselves, reports" - that will not happen in practise because of the fallenness of human nature; this is what happens …More
"During the G7 summit, Rishi Sunak said he is not opposed to assisted dying – which is also known as assisted suicide, especially among those opposed to changing the law on it – as long as there are safeguards to protect the vulnerable and ensure no one is pressurised into killing themselves, reports" - that will not happen in practise because of the fallenness of human nature; this is what happens when you have a pagan rule over you, with no personal knowledge of sanctifying grace, doesnt understand the sacredness of life..
Bruceph Mildur
They call it 'self deliverance' up hee in New England
Maria delos Angeles
The post-Christian West has turned completely suicidal