
Fire: Criminal Abortion Militants Attack Cathedral

Pro-abortion fanatics attempted to set fire to the large wooden doors of the cathedral in Bogotá, Colombia, on 28 September.

Hooded women additionally poured petrol on the fire. The police mobilised an anti-riot team and brought the situation under control. The attackers smeared abortion graffiti on the façade of the cathedral.

The arsonists had taken part in a manifestation for the "International Day for Safe Abortion". Abortions are never "safe" because they kill a child and destroy a mother.

The cathedral was already the target of criminal acts last year during a national strike, as well as in March when a criminal calling herself "Simona" disrupted a Eucharist celebration and shouted insults from a megaphone.

The Colombian Constitutional Court "legalised" the crime of abortion during the first six (!) months of pregnancy in February 2022.



It was the Catholic Church's firm stand against contraception and abortion which finally made me decide to become a Catholic" - Malcolm Muggeridge, British journalist
Darrell J Roman
A form of Terrorism!
Jeffrey Ade
My brother made me do it!