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Calling All Cardinals! An Open Letter to the Sacred College of Cardinals

Your Eminences,

In accordance with declarations made by your brother Cardinals, His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke and His Eminence Gerhard Ludwig Cardinal Müller, that "were a Pope to commit an act of formal heresy he would lose his office and cease to be Pope ipso facto." Let the record show that Jorge Mario Bergoglio has been guilty of formal public heresy since October of 2016, thereby losing his office and ceasing to be Pope ipso facto.

Historical Facts:

19 March 2016 - Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia

Amoris laetitia: Exhortación Apostólica sobre el amor en la familia (19 de marzo de 2016) | Francisco

5 September 2016 - The letter from Jorge Mario Bergoglio praising the Buenos Aires episcopal guidelines that would allow divorced and remarried Catholics [without a declaration of nullity] to receive Holy Communion in some cases while living in a state of objective grave sin. Carta del Santo Padre a Mons. Sergio Alfredo Fenoy, Delegado de la Región Pastoral de Buenos Aires (5 de septiembre de 2016) | Francisco

19 September 2016 - The Dubia of the Cardinals over the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia
Full Text and Explanatory Notes of Cardinals’ Questions on ‘Amoris Laetitia’
Cardinal Burke on Amoris Laetitia Dubia: ‘Tremendous Division’ Warrants Action

October of 2016 - As an act of pertinacity, Jorge Mario Bergoglio "answers the Dubia" by adding his letter advocating the Buenos Aires episcopal guidelines letter to the Vatican website as a papal document of instruction available for public reference as part of the Official Acts of the Apostolic See; the Acta Apostolicae Sedis (AAS)
2016 Sept. 5 Ad Excellentissimum Dominum Sergium Alfredum Fenoy, delegatum Regionis Pastoralis Bonaërensis, necnon adiunctum documentum (de praecipuis rationibus usui capitis VIII Adhortationis post-synodalis “Amoris Laetitia”)
Acta Apostolicae Sedis (AAS) pdf p. 1071
2016 Sept. 5 Additum ad Epistulam: Región Pastoral Buenos Aires, Criterios básicos para la aplicación del Capitulo VIII de Amoris Laetitia Acta Apostolicae Sedis (AAS) pdf p. 1072
Pope's Letter on Argentinian Communion Guidelines for Remarried Given Official Status - OnePeterFive

November of 2016 - Further, as an act of pertinacity, Jorge Mario Bergoglio Refuses to Reply to Four Cardinals’ Urgent Plea for Clarification, so the Cardinals go public.
BREAKING: Pope fails to reply to 4 cardinals’ urgent plea for clarification, so they go public - LifeSite

25 April 2017 - Full Text of Dubia Cardinals' letter asking Pope for an Audience but is Refused.
Full Text of Dubia Cardinals’ Letter Asking Pope for an Audience - National Catholic Register
Full text of dubia cardinals' letter asking Pope for an audience - Catholic News Agency

November of 2017 - Further still, as an act of pertinacity, Jorge Mario Bergoglio Criticized the "Legalism" of Catholics raising concern about his Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia mere Days after four Cardinals went public with their request that he clarify it. In wake of 4 Cardinals letter, Pope Francis rebukes 'legalism' of Amoris Laetitia critics - LifeSite

Cardinal Raymond Burke declared "If a Pope did Commit Heresy, such a Pope would Automatically Cease to be Pontiff." "If a Pope would Formally Profess Heresy he would Cease, by that act, to be the Pope. It’s Automatic. And so, that could happen." Canon law tradition says a pope who commits formal heresy ceases to be pope: expert - LifeSite

Cardinal Gerhard Müller declared "The Pope would ‘Automatically’ Lose his Office by Teaching Heresy."
Cardinal Müller: Pope would 'automatically' lose his office by teaching heresy - LifeSite

Given these facts, the time is long overdue for you members of the Sacred College of Cardinals to exercise your role as Princes of the Church and declare the truth which by now has become self-evident to all Faithful Catholics. Please do not abdicate your responsibility. Please do not delay your obligation.

Sincerely and respectfully yours in the Passion of the Church,
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