Save the Altar Girls

Save the Altar Girls

This is not a local story, but one that represents larger trends in the church—in the priesthood, the liturgy and in the role of the people of God. Recently Sts. Simon and Jude Cathedral in Phoenix, Ariz., changed its policy on altar servers.

From now on only boys may serve; girls may apply for jobs as sacristans. Why? The rector of the cathedral told The Catholic Sun that the cathedral is not alone in making this regulation.

A parish in Ann Arbor, Mich., and the Diocese of Lincoln, Neb., he argues, have found that replacing girls with boys as servers leads to more vocations to the priesthood.

These moves to limit laywomen’s access to the altar threaten to drag the church back into the pre-Vatican II world. One wonders if next the altar rail will return, another barrier between the priests and the people.

Having girls share serving opportunities with boys is an expression of their equality in Christ. Parishes must create a variety of social and service activities.

A distinguishing characteristic of today’s young men and women, even when they are not “devout” in the usual sense, is their rejection of discrimination in any form. They are highly sensitive to any hint of exclusionary policies in organizations.

Perhaps if more young people believed they could continue that commitment to equality as priests, more would be ready to follow a priestly vocation.

holyrope 3
Can you explain what you mean about "sexism in the world"?
There are 2 sex"s Male and Female....Why do you think God created 2 sexes? So they could both in the same way, ... act, speak, look, walk, dress, pee, work, and both have babies? 🤗More

Can you explain what you mean about "sexism in the world"?

There are 2 sex"s Male and Female....Why do you think God created 2 sexes? So they could both in the same way, ... act, speak, look, walk, dress, pee, work, and both have babies? 🤗
Its not that I'm disturb Im just sick of people getting angry over nothing !!! And Im tired of all the sexism in the world !!! I sick hearing girls can't do this or girls can't do that!!! 🤬
Sweetness307 I am all for girls serving the Church but not at the alter. It is for men only. The Mother of God never served at the alter. Yes she held Christ but after Christ died she became hidden. It was the men that were the priest and bishops. Before Vatican 2 only boys were allowed because they understood this fostered vocations to the priesthood. Its not about equality but fostering priestly …More
Sweetness307 I am all for girls serving the Church but not at the alter. It is for men only. The Mother of God never served at the alter. Yes she held Christ but after Christ died she became hidden. It was the men that were the priest and bishops. Before Vatican 2 only boys were allowed because they understood this fostered vocations to the priesthood. Its not about equality but fostering priestly vocations. girls can do other things.
holyrope 3 sound very disturbed. 🥴
What is the big deal with a girl wanted to serve God. I undestand that we can't be priest but let us serve God in some way. I don't understand why everyone get so up tight with altar girls. I'm starting to see a lot of sexism in the church and I really don't like it. How come in other Christian churches women are able to serve God in may ways but with The Roman Catholic church its few . It seems …More
What is the big deal with a girl wanted to serve God. I undestand that we can't be priest but let us serve God in some way. I don't understand why everyone get so up tight with altar girls. I'm starting to see a lot of sexism in the church and I really don't like it. How come in other Christian churches women are able to serve God in may ways but with The Roman Catholic church its few . It seems very unfair.Just because of my gender I can't serve God the way I want. I mean wasn't Mary the first disciple!?!? If so why can't women be near Christ the way she was!?!?! I agree with the article "Having girls share serving opportunities with boys is an expression of their equality in Christ. Parishes must create a variety of social and service activities".
I completely disagree with this article! Stop trying to shove equality onto us. Did Christ have any woman disciples ordained? Is their any Man Nuns! Sounds stupid right....? Alter boys serve at the alter to inspire them to be priests! Shouldn't a girl be talking to a nun if she is interested in service to the church. I can't stand this political correctness stuff. 🤬
Holy Cannoli
sign & tb
Good analysis and another solid post (there are a couple of other good posters also) especially compared to the personal (implied or direct) attacks posted by the girly-men at this site. Yours is the kind of post that will attract other intelligent Catholics who have something of substance to say on a particular topic and not the mickey mouse garbage that we so often witness.
The editors …More
sign & tb

Good analysis and another solid post (there are a couple of other good posters also) especially compared to the personal (implied or direct) attacks posted by the girly-men at this site. Yours is the kind of post that will attract other intelligent Catholics who have something of substance to say on a particular topic and not the mickey mouse garbage that we so often witness.

The editors at America, the Jebbie run magazine, write to appeal to their base of liberals within their order and other assorted leftists who want to abandon traditional Catholicism to suit their own “Progressive” (read: liberal) agenda.

I will attempt to translate a few things, for those who do not understand the "code" words in the vocabulary of "America" magazine. Just keep in mind that America magazine is consistently in favor of contraception, homosexual lifestyles, and women clergy.
- "larger trends in the Church, in the priesthood, the liturgy and in the role of the people of God" -
The aging dissenters from Humanae Vitae …More
I will attempt to translate a few things, for those who do not understand the "code" words in the vocabulary of "America" magazine. Just keep in mind that America magazine is consistently in favor of contraception, homosexual lifestyles, and women clergy.

- "larger trends in the Church, in the priesthood, the liturgy and in the role of the people of God" -
The aging dissenters from Humanae Vitae are beginning to realize that their vision of a "new church" is never going to happen the way they thought it would. If they cannot even get altar girls, they will never get women bishops and priestesses; nor same-sex marriages.

- "the pre-Vatican II world"
This does not only refer to the Church of the Apostles and martyrs, up until 1965. It refers to what happens when people actually follow the texts of the Second Vatican Council, as they were written. The "pre-Vatican II world" does not include contraception, women priests or same-sex marriages. Neither does Vatican II.

- "access to the altar"
Ordination of women to the priesthood.

- "altar rail ... barrier between the priests and the people"
They absolutely hate and despise the altar rail (which was never forbidden by Vatican II) because it implies that there is something "sacred" about the sanctuary, and the Eucharist, and the priesthood.

- "their equality in Christ"
Contraception allows women to do anything men can do, with no fear of having an inconvenient baby to interfere with their plans. Same-sex marriage also flies the banner of "equality."

-"social and service activities"
For them, serving at the altar is only a "social and service activity" (like the priesthood?). It is like a youth group activity; like an ice-cream social, or like working for an hour in a soup kitchen.

- "rejection of discrimination in any form"
For example, why insist that marriage must be between one man and one woman?

_"Perhaps if more young people believed they could continue that commitment to equality as priests, more would be ready to follow a priestly vocation."
America magazine wants more altar girls to aspire to ordination to the priesthood.
These moves to limit laywomen’s access to the altar threaten to drag the church back into the pre-Vatican II world. One wonders if next the altar rail will return, another barrier between the priests and the people.
"...drag the church back into the pre-Vatican II world." That would be a good thing. The primary role of the Church is for the sanctification of her clergy and the salvation of souls,…More
These moves to limit laywomen’s access to the altar threaten to drag the church back into the pre-Vatican II world. One wonders if next the altar rail will return, another barrier between the priests and the people.

"...drag the church back into the pre-Vatican II world." That would be a good thing. The primary role of the Church is for the sanctification of her clergy and the salvation of souls, not advancement of "social justice." I am tired of these Modernists in the Church who arrogantly think that this is what everyone wants. Most people are obediant and will comply with any modernist novelty. If this novelty contradicts with the sacred traditions of the Church we -as Roman Catholics - have a duty to resist them.
holyrope 3
Remembered acquiring this some time back, but is just as pertinent now as when it was written.
Questions: To: Most Rev. Augustin Mayer, Pro-prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Sacraments and of the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship.
From: Reverend James P. Collins, Pastor
1. The Inaestimable Donum of April 3, 1980, #18, what is the precise meaning …More
Remembered acquiring this some time back, but is just as pertinent now as when it was written.


Questions: To: Most Rev. Augustin Mayer, Pro-prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Sacraments and of the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship.

From: Reverend James P. Collins, Pastor
1. The Inaestimable Donum of April 3, 1980, #18, what is the precise meaning of "altar servers"? Does it mean taxative altar servers who minister the cruets of wine and water to the priest or deacon at the altar at the offertory of the Mass?
2. The Appendix to the General Instruction of the Roman Missal for the dioceses of the United States stated in article #66: "With the exception of service at the altar itself, women may be admitted to the excercise of other liturgical ministries." In view of the prescription #18 of Inaestimable Donum, and in view of the above article #66 of the appendix to the General Instruction, may women carry the miter (miter bearer), the cross (cross bearer), the candles (acolytes), or incense (thurifer or one carrying the censor and/or thurible) on the basis that the just mentioned offices do not involve "service at the altar itself"?

Answers: "Congregatio Pro Cultu Divino Port. CD 1874/84

Dear Father Collins,
Thank you for your letter in which you raised several points in relation to the Instruction Inaestimabile Donum. It would appear that directives given in this Instruction are quite clear and it is a matter of surprise that you should have presented them in a way in which you did.
1. Number 18 of Inaestimabile Donum states "Women are not permitted to act as altar servers." This does not just mean the task of ministering the cruets, but all the functions of the altar server.
. Following from the above observations it follows that girls are not to carry the cross, act as miter bearers or thurifer...With every best wish I am, Yours sincerely in Christ, Virgilio Noe, Titulas Archbishop of Voncaria, Secretary."

Oh please.... 🙄 Is it discrimination that women bear children and men cannot? Is it discrimination that men are physically the stronger gender? Is it discrimination that women are naturally better housekeepers than men? Is it discrimination that men are anatomically different to women?
Each gender has its function and role in life - created and ordained by the Creator Himself. Why are we (especially …More
Oh please.... 🙄 Is it discrimination that women bear children and men cannot? Is it discrimination that men are physically the stronger gender? Is it discrimination that women are naturally better housekeepers than men? Is it discrimination that men are anatomically different to women?

Each gender has its function and role in life - created and ordained by the Creator Himself. Why are we (especially the Americans!) trying to upset this natural order - even in the Christian Church!? Disgusting really.... 🤮