American Psychological Association Supports Same-sex ‘Marriage’ 157-0

American Psychological Association Supports Same-sex ‘Marriage’ 157-0 WASHINGTON, D.C., The American Psychological Association (APA) has re-affirmed its support for same-sex “marriage” for the eighth …More
American Psychological Association Supports Same-sex ‘Marriage’ 157-0
The American Psychological Association (APA) has re-affirmed its support for same-sex “marriage” for the eighth consecutive year, this time with a more strongly-worded statement.
The APA has backed “marriage” for homosexual couples since 2004, and marriage-like benefits since 1997, and now calls itself “a strong advocate for full equal rights for LGBT people for nearly 35 years.”
The position paper now asserts that “many gay men and lesbians, like their heterosexual counterparts, desire to form stable, long-lasting and committed intimate relationships and are successful in doing so,” and that campaigns to uphold traditional marriage are “a significant source of stress” to homosexuals.
St. Lawrence
10 August 2011
SBpfu - Greetings dear brother! 🤗 Ah, now your statement is clearer. I rather liked your specificity in the matter with regard to "in the United States"; a thing which narrows it down to your experience as an American (as opposed to the attitude: because it happens in the USA, it must be happening all over the world- the USA is the world! 😁 ).
The British have always had a healthy distrust of …More
SBpfu - Greetings dear brother! 🤗 Ah, now your statement is clearer. I rather liked your specificity in the matter with regard to "in the United States"; a thing which narrows it down to your experience as an American (as opposed to the attitude: because it happens in the USA, it must be happening all over the world- the USA is the world! 😁 ).

The British have always had a healthy distrust of the psychologist and psychiatrist (they do not even make half of what their counterparts do across the pond!). However, the study of the human mind (or psyche) is as ancient as man himself.

Now, reading the works of Theresa de Avila one comes across much psychology - not to mention Hildergard Von Bingen! I think that there is validity in the study of the human mind. The results of which can be used quite constructively indeed. On the other hand, because this is such an unquantifiable science (rather like epistomology or teleology), chaps can and do abuse it (the same can be true of conventional medicine too!).

Therefore, while I respect your oppinion on the matter (resulting from your negative experience in the USA), I prefer to keep an opened mind. Who knows, in the future, psychiatry and/or psychology might just hit upon a cause for homosexuality (and transsexuality too). Could there be a transdisciplinary approach to the issue, i.e. bringing positive traditional Catholic theology to bear upon the science of psychology?

😇 🤗
I just imagine how God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. It's happening again in this generation...even worse.
holyrope 3
St. Catherine of Siena, the great 14th century religious mystic, transmitted the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ about the sin of homosexuality, which contaminated some of the clergy in her time, the Renaissance. Referring to sacred ministers who committed this sin, He told her:
OUR LORD speaking to St. Catherine of Siena:
They [the homosexuals] not only fail from resisting the weakness [of fallen …
St. Catherine of Siena, the great 14th century religious mystic, transmitted the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ about the sin of homosexuality, which contaminated some of the clergy in her time, the Renaissance. Referring to sacred ministers who committed this sin, He told her:

OUR LORD speaking to St. Catherine of Siena:

They [the homosexuals] not only fail from resisting the weakness [of fallen human nature] ... but they do even worse when they commit the cursed sin against nature. Like the blind and stupid, having dimmed the light of their understanding, they do not recognize the disease and misery in which they find themselves. For this not only causes Me nausea, but is disgusting even to the devils themselves whom these depraved creatures have chosen as their lords.

For Me this sin against nature is so abominable that for it alone five cities were destroyed by virtue of the judgement of My Divine Justice, which could no longer bear their iniquity ...

It is disgusting to the devils not because evil displeases them or because they find pleasure in good, but rather because their nature is angelic and flees upon seeing such repulsive sin being committed. For while certainly it is the devil that first strikes the sinner with the poisoned arrow of concupiscence, nonetheless when a man actually carries out such a sinful act, the devil goes away.

(St. Catherine of Siena, El dialogo)
in obras de Santa Cantalina de Siena: BAC, 1991, p 292
@SBpfu - In past centuries, the Church performed many exorcisms upon patients who, we now know, we mentally ill (dementia, skyzophrenic, bi-polar, etc.). The knowledge of the illnesses was just not there. With learning and advancement in medicine, we now know that an exocism can only be performed AFTER a clean bill of psychological health is issued by competent professionals.
So too, perhaps in …More
@SBpfu - In past centuries, the Church performed many exorcisms upon patients who, we now know, we mentally ill (dementia, skyzophrenic, bi-polar, etc.). The knowledge of the illnesses was just not there. With learning and advancement in medicine, we now know that an exocism can only be performed AFTER a clean bill of psychological health is issued by competent professionals.

So too, perhaps in the medical world, regarding homosexuality being an illness,say in the 80s, but now according to the DSM, is not. Now, because we do not know enough about the origins of homsexuality, I think that one ought to keep to Church teaching on this matter and not speculate into psychiatric or psychological roots of homosexuality.

I prefer to leave this 'causal' study to the professionals and to God. However, the Church's teaching is indeed clear: homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered and are grave mortal sins indeed! Herein lies the point at which Church and science deviate from each other, viz. God's law and man's lack of understanding leading to a rejection of God's Law.
Do those who use the word "homophobia" seriously think that most of the world suffers from an actual "phobia," an irrational fear, like someone who suffers from claustrophobia? or excessively afraid of germs or spiders? Do they use the same logic with other sins? For example, do all those who believe it is sinful to commit adultery suffer from a "phobia" of adultery? Do those who believe it is sinful …More
Do those who use the word "homophobia" seriously think that most of the world suffers from an actual "phobia," an irrational fear, like someone who suffers from claustrophobia? or excessively afraid of germs or spiders? Do they use the same logic with other sins? For example, do all those who believe it is sinful to commit adultery suffer from a "phobia" of adultery? Do those who believe it is sinful to steal suffer from a "phobia" of theft?
holyrope 3
holyrope 3
One Man & One Woman=Baby=Natural=God's Law
Rom 1:24
Rom 1:27
Lev 18:22
1Cor 6:9
1Tim 1:10
One Man & One Woman=Baby=Natural=God's Law

Rom 1:24

Rom 1:27

Lev 18:22

1Cor 6:9

1Tim 1:10
No offense, mate. But the studies that you are citing don't clearly state that homosexuality has a clear social cause. It's mostly speculation written by people who happen to share your opinion. You've cited it yourself: stuff CAN foster same-sex attraction. It CAN, but how can you state with 100% conviction that it does?
I think that it's pretty much impossible to cite a specific, exact …More

No offense, mate. But the studies that you are citing don't clearly state that homosexuality has a clear social cause. It's mostly speculation written by people who happen to share your opinion. You've cited it yourself: stuff CAN foster same-sex attraction. It CAN, but how can you state with 100% conviction that it does?

I think that it's pretty much impossible to cite a specific, exact cause for homosexuality. One's social circumstances may contribute to it, but there is also a strong biological factor. Around 1500 animal species practice homosexuality, and we are no exception. So there is a very blurry line between the social and biological origin for homosexuality in any particular individual.

Also, I think homophobia is rather harsh. Just based on its etymology alone, homophobia means that you reject/abhor people who have a same-sex attraction. Why do you do this, if people who are homosexual aren't necessarily heterophobic (that is, they don't reject/abhor those who aren't homosexual)? If you've read James's book in the New Testament, you will find that he says,

"My dear brothers and sisters, how can you claim to have faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ if you favour some people over others? ... Yes indeed, it is good when you obey the royal law as found in the Scriptures: 'Love your neighbour as yourself.' But if you favour some people over others, you are committing a sin. You are guilty of breaking the law. ... So whatever you say or whatever you do, remember that you will be judged by the law that sets you free. There will be no mercy for those who have not shown mercy to others. But if you have been merciful, God will be merciful when he judges you."

So to all you people who satanize homosexuals - don't judge. Don't reject. If you must abhor vice somewhere, abhor it in yourself and change your own conduct for the better. Peace, brothers.
holyrope 3
"The APA has backed "marriage" for homosexual couples since 2004...."
Just like the "backers" of the false "global warming" hoax...the homosexual movement has BIG $$$$$$$$$$$ behind them, not to mention many of today's "Psychologists" are poofers themselves..
The homosexuals are Not going to accept natural law arguments or arguments from we need to use their own arguments.
If accused …More
"The APA has backed "marriage" for homosexual couples since 2004...."

Just like the "backers" of the false "global warming" hoax...the homosexual movement has BIG $$$$$$$$$$$ behind them, not to mention many of today's "Psychologists" are poofers themselves..

The homosexuals are Not going to accept natural law arguments or arguments from we need to use their own arguments.

If accused of homophobia simply say that you were born with it and that you did not choose to be a homophobe and that you find the term itself to be hateful and judgmental. If they bring up the fact that there is no medical evidence of the genetic origin of homophobia, you say that there is just as much evidence of it than for the genetic origin of homosexuality. If they say that twins aren't always both homophobes, you remind them the same is true in the case of twins and homosexuality.

In the book, Same Sex Attraction: A Parent's Guide, edited by Father John Harvey and Gerald V. Bradley, Father Harvey agrees with researchers who see faulty family relationships as the source of same-sex attraction.

Referring to the work of Don Schmierer, Father Harvey writes, "He makes use of case histories to illustrate ways in which adolescent boys and girls can have a confused perception of their gender identity ....The fatherless home or the emotionally unavailable father joined with the dominant mother contributes to the development of same sex attractions. ...Often where divorce has taken place, the mother portrays her ex-husband in very negative ways, and; consequently the son loses respect for the father. ... In merged or foster families, one notices relationships among siblings, cousins, or neighbors that are compulsive and secretive and that can foster same-sex attractions. ..."

Spouses who verbally abuse one another in front of children may inadvertently force the children to "take sides," and, especially if there is already a distance between a child and a father, a son may begin to see his masculinity in a negative light. Marital infidelity is also a contributing factor, especially if it impacts on an adolescent boy or girl.

Other causes of SSAD are sexual abuse and pedophilia, separation from a parent during the critical time of development, or the failure of parents to encourage same-sex identification and friendships.

In an interview with ZENIT News, Fitzgibbons said, "The absence of a father in the home leads to sadness, anger, difficulty in trusting and disruptive disorders. The absence of a mother is worse.

One's mother is one's fundamental basis of feeling safe in relationships; denying a child of its Mother wounds the child's ability to trust and have faith in the world, which can lead to anxiety and attachment disorders."

This is why same-sex marriages and adoption can be so devastating on society, because of their effect on children. Fitzgibbons points out that even in Belgium where same-sex unions are approved, same-sex couples are not permitted to adopt.

"Not all adults have the inherent right to have a child," he said, "but all children have a right to a Mother and a Father."
"many gay men and lesbians, like their heterosexual counterparts, desire to form stable, long-lasting and committed intimate relationships and are successful in doing so". Yes, I'm sure Satan is most grateful for that long-lasting relationship.
This may be a case where the lunatics are running the assylum.
very goodvideo 👍
Sunday Night Prime - Same sex marriage - Fr. Groeschel with Archb Timothy Dolan - 08-07-2011
Let God mightily bless :Fr. Benedict Groeschel, CFR - His Excellency Timothy M. Dolan, Archbishop of NY andthe whole team... 😇
God bless you dear Love EWTN! 🤗 ,thanks for your valuable videos!!! 👍 👍 👍More
very goodvideo 👍

Sunday Night Prime - Same sex marriage - Fr. Groeschel with Archb Timothy Dolan - 08-07-2011

Let God mightily bless :Fr. Benedict Groeschel, CFR - His Excellency Timothy M. Dolan, Archbishop of NY andthe whole team... 😇

God bless you dear Love EWTN! 🤗 ,thanks for your valuable videos!!! 👍 👍 👍
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Therapists: APA gay ‘marriage’ declaration based on politics, not science
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Therapists: APA gay ‘marriage’ declaration based on politics, not science

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