"Spooky Rituals of The Freemasons: Freemasonry Explained" - Freemasonry isn’t one thing, but many, and it has always been this way. Much of this vagueness and variety stems from the fact that Freemasonry’s …More
"Spooky Rituals of The Freemasons: Freemasonry Explained" - Freemasonry isn’t one thing, but many, and it has always been this way. Much of this vagueness and variety stems from the fact that Freemasonry’s origins are lost in time. As ever, people see what they want to see and believe what they want to believe. Therefore, unsurprisingly, Freemasonry grew into a worldwide presence, and in this video we see how it inspired and influenced society as we know it today. This video is episode 13 from the series The Real History of Secret Societies, presented by Richard B. Spence. Learn more about secret societies at wondrium.com/lp/t2/youtubemain 00:00 The Secret Ritual to Enter the Blue Lodge Masonry 03:24 How Do You Define a Secret Society? 05:08 The Importance of Freemason Symbolism and Terms 08:48 Similarities between Freemasonry and Illuminati 10:11 Freemasonry Link to Kabbalah 11:31 Masonic Higher Degrees and Rites 14:03 Origins of Modern Freemasonry 17:57 One of the Earliest …More