
Francis Interview: Big, Empty, Abstract Words

In one of his always-the-same interviews, this time with the Neapolitan newspaper Il Mattino (18 September), Francis repeated his aberrant claim that "for the Church, politics is the highest form of charity".

His Church is "not far from politics", he said, insisting that "it is far from secular politics, which is understood as propaganda or a power play" - while Francis' Church completely submits to the propaganda oligarchs who have the last word in politics.

Francis also presented an unrealistic vision of a peaceful world without weapons, an alleged "devastation" of the environment and his ideology of mass immigration. He wants international peace conferences focused on disarmament and calls for "global solutions" [enforced by which heavily armed power?]

He warned newspapers not to "limit themselves to an almost pornographic narrative of evil that hypnotises and blocks you" and added another projection, saying that "you can't be too full of yourself to have the space within yourself to take in the narrative of reality."

With regard to the Church, he took refuge in abstract formulations, saying that the Church is "always on a journey" [really?] and "must move forward" - even though the Francis Church is stuck in Vatican II ideology.

Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsAmdraxznjy

Salvatore Bastatti
Pope Francis has betrayed Cdl. Zen in his hour of greatest need - LifeSite
And yet no one has sought to physically remove Gordo from the Quirinale. This disgusts anyone who is a true Catholic.More
Pope Francis has betrayed Cdl. Zen in his hour of greatest need - LifeSite

And yet no one has sought to physically remove Gordo from the Quirinale. This disgusts anyone who is a true Catholic.