MISA en latín con subtítulos. MISA en latín con subtítulosMás
MISA en latín con subtítulos.
MISA en latín con subtítulos
Bring back the Latin Mass!
y la homilia, primer lectura, salmo y segunda lectura?
Almighty God, bless, protect, and sanctify your priests who everyday celebrate the Tridentine Mass in accord with the deposit of faith, handed down by the Apostles through the centuries and preserved in this most perfect liturgy. May your traditional orders: SSPX, FSSP, Cannons Regular of the New Jerusalem and others flourish amid the apostacy, disorienation, and immorality of this world. Amen
holyrope 3— 03/01/2011 23:17:07:
Thank you so much for posting this!
😇 You are welcome!!Más
holyrope 3— 03/01/2011 23:17:07:
Thank you so much for posting this!

😇 You are welcome!!
holyrope 3
Thank you so much for posting this!
The Catholic church has always first and foremost spoken of the Mass as a "sacrifice." In fact, it is infallable teaching that Christ left a visible Sacrifice to His Church "in which the bloody sacrifice which was once offered on the Cross should be made present." (Council of Trent)
When you place the prayers and the ceremonies of the traditional Latin Mass side …Más
Thank you so much for posting this!

The Catholic church has always first and foremost spoken of the Mass as a "sacrifice." In fact, it is infallable teaching that Christ left a visible Sacrifice to His Church "in which the bloody sacrifice which was once offered on the Cross should be made present." (Council of Trent)

When you place the prayers and the ceremonies of the traditional Latin Mass side by side with those of the New Mass, it is easy to see how much of the church's traditional doctrine has been "edited out" -- and the "editing" always seems to have been done on those parts of the Mass expressing some Catholic doctrine which the Protestants find "offensive."..... some examples:

Common Penitential Rite: The traditional Mass begins with the priest reciting personal prayers of reparation to God called "The Prayers at the Foot of the Altar." The New Mass begins instead with a "Penitential Rite" which the priest and people recite together. Who were the first to introduce a common penitential rite? The 16th-century Protestants, who wanted to promote their teaching that the priest is no different from the layman.

The Offertory: The Offertory prayers of the traditional Mass clearly express a number of Catholic teachings: that the Mass is offered to God to satisfy for sin, that the saints are to be honored, and so on. The Protestants rejected these teachings and abolished the Offertory prayers. "That abomination called the Offertory, " said Luther, " and from this point almost everything stinks of oblation!" In the New Mass, the Offertory is gone --- it has been replaced with a ceremony called "The Preparation of the Gifts." The prayers "offensive" to Protestants have also been removed. In their place is the prayer "Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation," based on a Jewish grace before meals.

The "Eucharistic Prayer": The traditional Mass has only one "Eucharistic Prayer," the ancient Roman Canon. The Canon was always a favorite target of Lutheran and other Protestant diatribes. Instead of just one Canon, the New Mass now has a number of "Eucharistic Prayers," only Prayer No. 1 is an "edited" version of the Roman Canon. The lists of the Catholic saints, so despised by the Protestants, are now optional, hence rarely used. The translators of the New Mass did more "editing" than this....among other things, the idea that Christ the Victim is offered at Mass (a notion Luther condemned) has disappeared. All the Eucharistic Prayers now incorporate some typical Protestant practices: they are recited in a loud voice instead of silently, and they have an "Institution Narrative" instead of a Consecration. (According to Protestant beliefs, their ministers do not consecrate the Eucharist like Catholic priests do; they just narrate the story of the last Supper.) The various signs of respect toward our lord present in the Blessed Sacrament (genuflections, signs of the cross, bells, incense, etc.) have been reduced, made optional or eliminated.

Communion in the Hand: The 16th-century Protestant Martin Bucer condemned the Church's practice of placing the Host on the tongue of the communicant as something introduced out of "a double superstition; first, the false honor they wish to show to this sacrament, and secondly the wicked arrogance of priests claiming greater holiness than that of the people of Christ, by virtue of the oil of consecration." The practice in Protestant churches of "communion in the hand," thus, is based upontheir rejection of Christ's Real Presence and the priesthood. At the New Mass, just as at a Protestant service, there is communion in the hand. But the men who created the New Mass went the Protestants one better: a layman may not only receive Communion in the hand --- he is actually permitted to distribute it as well, even on a moment's notice.

Veneration of the Saints: The prayers of the traditional Mass frequently invoke the saints by name and beg their intercession. The Church's veneration of the saints in her worship was another practice which Protestants dismissed as "superstition." The new Order of the Mass dropped most invocations of the saints by name, or made them optional. In the new Missal, moreover, the weekday prayers for saints' feastdays (most of which are also optional) have been rewritten for the benefit of Protestants --- allusions to miracles, the defense of the Catholic Faith, or the Catholic Church as the one, true Church have disappeared.

The Faithful Departed: As a Catholic, you know that when someone dies, you pray for the repose of his soul. This Catholic belief is reflected in the Prayers for the Dead in the traditional Mass -- "Be merciful, O Lord, to the soul of ..."etc. Again, the Protestants rejected the teaching that we can pray for the soul of someone who has died. Now, the New Mass provides 114 Prayers for the Dead. In all of the prayers but two the word soulhas been removed. An oversight? Father Henry Ashworth, who helped compose the New Mass, stated in 1970 that the omissions were intentional.

False Translations: Then there is the matter of the false official English translations of the New Mass. A whole book could be written on the errors and distortions they contain. Briefly mentioning the prayers for the 34 "Sundays in Ordinary Time." The following are some of the ideas which the English translation suppressed: God's wrath, our unworthiness, error, sins which "burden our consciences," God's majesty, obedience to His commandments, supplication, humilty, eternity, heaven -- the list could go on and on. Perhaps the most serious omission is the word grace. It appears 11 times in the Latin original. Not once does it appear in the official English "translation." Grace has disappeared without a trace!

Clearly, then, the prayers and ceremonies of the New Mass represent a change of doctrine. The new worship is Protestant, ecumenical --and a danger to the Catholic Faith. 🙏
Muy bueno para aprender el Rito Extraordinario.Gracias por subirlo.
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Muy bueno para aprender el Rito Extraordinario.Gracias por subirlo.

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Jésus...voici un prêtre qui vous soulage des nombreuse offenses...outrages et ingratitudes qui vous sont faite en votre Sainte Messe...
Veuillez je vous prie Seigneur Jésus bénir tout vos prêtres ...que tous soit touché par cette Divine Messe ..AMEN *Más
Jésus...voici un prêtre qui vous soulage des nombreuse offenses...outrages et ingratitudes qui vous sont faite en votre Sainte Messe...

Veuillez je vous prie Seigneur Jésus bénir tout vos prêtres ...que tous soit touché par cette Divine Messe ..AMEN *