Gloria.TV News on the 16th of June 2016 Phone-Call: The former pro-Church and pro-Family Italian premier Silvio Berlusconi underwent recently heart surgery. Thus, the Italian parish-priest Father Angelo …More
Gloria.TV News on the 16th of June 2016

Phone-Call: The former pro-Church and pro-Family Italian premier Silvio Berlusconi underwent recently heart surgery. Thus, the Italian parish-priest Father Angelo Bisi asked Pope Francis in an open letter to call him. Quote: “Berlusconi is not a very fervent Catholic but I know that you usually do not care about this.” Fr Bisi points out that Francis also called the ill Marco Pannella, the leading Italian champion for abortion, divorce, euthanasia, homosex pseudo-marriage and free drugs.

Communion in Error? Monsignor Alfonso de Galarreta, one of the bishops of the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X, commented during a homily in Winona, United States, on Cardinal Müller’s statement that the recognition of religious liberty and ecumenism would lead the Society to – quote – “full communion” with the Vatican. Galarreta called this a – quote – “communion in error”.

Complementarian: The General Synod of Lutherans in Latvia voted to end the ordination of women. The amendment received 77 per cent support. Jānis Vanags, the Lutheran Archbishop of Riga argued that there is no warrant for women priests found in Scripture and that this is contrary to the tradition of the church. The Lutherans in Latvia agree that leadership in the church should be driven by complementarian not egalitarian considerations.

Jews Help Jews: Since the 1990s, a public swimming pool in a Hasidic community in Brooklyn has set aside a number of hours per week to allow women-only sessions. Recently, after one person complained, New York’s Commission on Human Rights concluded that the policy was illegal. But the policy was quickly reinstated after Jewish Assemblyman Dov Hikind protested.
@Uncle Joe: Bunga Bunga has been incorporated in Amoris Laetita 😀 .
Uncle Joe
Italian parish-priest Father Angelo Bisi asked Pope Francis in an open letter to call him.“Berlusconi is not a very fervent Catholic but I know that you usually do not care about this.” (possibly the understatement of the year)
It is rumored that after she learned about Silvio's medical problem, Ruby the Heart Stealer - Berlusconi's paramour, said the following: “Che cosa? Watsamatta U? We …More
Italian parish-priest Father Angelo Bisi asked Pope Francis in an open letter to call him.“Berlusconi is not a very fervent Catholic but I know that you usually do not care about this.” (possibly the understatement of the year)
It is rumored that after she learned about Silvio's medical problem, Ruby the Heart Stealer - Berlusconi's paramour, said the following: “Che cosa? Watsamatta U? We Bunga Bunga you feel better.” 👌
The SSPX is more catholic than the Vatican... sad but true.