
The Remnant Newspaper - Priest Charged with Assault for Defending Eucharist during Traditional Latin Mass

Father Anderson Batista da Silva Editor’s Note: We have received the following report from our Catholic …
IMHO Poor Fr. da Silva made a mistake being too accomodating with that petulant man.
That man did not behave in a sane, respectful way even before lining up for Communion: I assume that the priest noticed his psycological conditions being incompatible with Communion and Fr. da Silva should decline his rude demand.
Secondo me il povero don da Silva ha sbagliato a essere troppo accondiscendente …More

IMHO Poor Fr. da Silva made a mistake being too accomodating with that petulant man.
That man did not behave in a sane, respectful way even before lining up for Communion: I assume that the priest noticed his psycological conditions being incompatible with Communion and Fr. da Silva should decline his rude demand.

Secondo me il povero don da Silva ha sbagliato a essere troppo accondiscendente con quel disturbatore.
Quell'uomo non si era comportato in modo assennato e rispettoso già prima di mettersi in fila per la Comunione: ritengo che il prete avesse notato che le sue condizioni psicologiche erano incompatibili con la Comunione e don da Silva avrebbe dovuto respingere la sua maleducata richiesta.

Per i lettori italiani:
scriviamo al suo arcivescovo di Niterói in Brasile un messaggio di solidarietà con don da Silva che ora è stato denunciato penalmente dal sacrilego disturbatore.

Dom José Francisco Rezende Dias
E-mail: gabinete@arqnit.org.br
Tel: (21) 3602-1700
Hugh N. Cry
Catholic faithful, especially men, need to be vigilant during Mass. I had to warily get between a homeless man and the priest during the homily at a traditional Latin Mass. Brought along my missal to defend against a knife attack, waited to engage until more men came to assist. Another called the authorities as we maneuvered the man out of the building and had two watch during the rest of the Mass …More
Catholic faithful, especially men, need to be vigilant during Mass. I had to warily get between a homeless man and the priest during the homily at a traditional Latin Mass. Brought along my missal to defend against a knife attack, waited to engage until more men came to assist. Another called the authorities as we maneuvered the man out of the building and had two watch during the rest of the Mass. Wouldn't hurt to have some faithful with conceal carry permits around either.
There's two things Satan hates and despises more than anything: the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass - especially the Roman Rite - and the holy rosary. Satan admitted to St John Vianney that if there were more priests like him he would be defeated.
Thanks be to God for His Holy Priests.