Bishop Schneider quoting Pope Pius VI. on ambiguous language at a Synod. Bishop Schneider quoting Pope Pius VI. Ambiguous language "can never be tolerated in a Synod of which the principal glory consists …More
Bishop Schneider quoting Pope Pius VI. on ambiguous language at a Synod.
Bishop Schneider quoting Pope Pius VI. Ambiguous language "can never be tolerated in a Synod of which the principal glory consists above all in teaching the truth with clarity and excluding all danger of error".
Dr Bobus
The revolution began years before 1962
Maccabean Uprising
Oh my! Vatican II is loaded with ambiguous language! Francis is just taking his ideas from the revolution that started in 1962, and has been occurring ever since! Leave the Novus Ordo Babylon and find a Traditional Catholic Mass that is outside of Rome's reach!