"Miracle of Unity" Pope Francis meets the Tony Palmer group of the Evangelical Episcopal Churches. Published on youtube: Oct 22, 2014More
"Miracle of Unity"

Pope Francis meets the Tony Palmer group of the Evangelical Episcopal Churches.
Published on youtube: Oct 22, 2014
Daniel I
Paz y Bien!
Alabado sea Jesucristo!
El Señor ha querido fundar su Iglesia en la roca Pedro
A el ha entregado las llaves del Reino.
Humildad, hermanos
Saludos en Cristo. Daniel
Guggenmoos shares this
Aus dem Vatikan.
Aus dem Vatikan.

Yep my point exactly I will not comment anymore in any of your contributions, and I ask that you respect my believes, I believe each and everyone of the post conciliar popes were valid (except with Francis) and their contributions were valid, their contributions have no obedience from you to them, fine! God bless you.
Indifferentism was first explicitly identified and opposed by Pope Gregory XVI, in his encyclical Mirari vos.
That Ecumenism would turn into indifferentism had been foretold be many popes before the Council. But people did not want to listen. Now, we have to pay.
An Italian priest was making a reference to the invalidity of the papacy of Francis. The priest said that if we got married with the intention of being unfaithful to our marriage that marriage is invalid in the eyes of God just as a priest who agrees to be the Pope with the intention of being unfaithful to the Church.
Abramo That does not relieve us of our duties when wrong is wrong and thus give up into the errors that began at Vatican II
Let us be fair, there is nothing wrong with dialog, what it is wrong is telling the world that other religions are in "good" standing and on the same level as the catholic church, pope Benedict has been the only post conciliar pope who has said the nostra actate is dangerous because the catholic church is the one, the bride of Christ.
Let us be fair: The "ecumenical Church" has started long before Pope Francis.
la verdad prevalece
Francis is the center of all this new ecumenical Church of the new world order, the center is no longer Christ. This explains why Francis is teaching the heresy of indifferentism religious; confirms Muslims in denial of Christ divinity; and the denial of God’s paternity which shows people why he confirms the atheists in their denial of God, the Jews in their denial of the Messiah and the Protestant …More
Francis is the center of all this new ecumenical Church of the new world order, the center is no longer Christ. This explains why Francis is teaching the heresy of indifferentism religious; confirms Muslims in denial of Christ divinity; and the denial of God’s paternity which shows people why he confirms the atheists in their denial of God, the Jews in their denial of the Messiah and the Protestant in their heresies. He is proposing himself to the world as the leader of the church of new world order where everyone can worship the god that they want not the God of the New Testament.
Orarias por las intenciones de ISIS? Orarias por las intenciones de los asesinos narcotraficantes? Si estuviera vivo, Orarias por las intenciones del papa Ariano? Orarias por las intenciones de Judas Iscariote? NO!!
Yo prefiero llevarme de lo que dijo Jesus ora por los enemigos, ruega por tu perseguidor, que ganas tu al ser bueno con los tuyos? Por eso ora por sus almas ellos estando vivos, para …More
Orarias por las intenciones de ISIS? Orarias por las intenciones de los asesinos narcotraficantes? Si estuviera vivo, Orarias por las intenciones del papa Ariano? Orarias por las intenciones de Judas Iscariote? NO!!

Yo prefiero llevarme de lo que dijo Jesus ora por los enemigos, ruega por tu perseguidor, que ganas tu al ser bueno con los tuyos? Por eso ora por sus almas ellos estando vivos, para que se conviertan.

Todo Católico que ha visto como a hablado y manejado este papa sabe muy bien que a el la confusion le resulta facil darla, sabe que la ortodoxia o sea la tradicion el la persigue y la destruye, por eso si usted sabe eso, entonces porque orar por las intenciones del que destruye?

Te presentarias ante Dios y le dirias en su cara, "por favor mi Dios, deja robar a fulanito que necesita robar" lo harias? Si sabiendo lo haces entonces, eres culpable de iniquidad.

Obedecerias a alguien que te manda a matar? La verdad es una sola, y esta en la Iglesia Catolica, si hay muchos evangelicos que son mejores que muchos catolicosy no necesariamente se van al infierno, pero todos necesitan los sacramentos. Por lo tanto hay que proselitar o sea evangelizar a favor del Catolicismo.

Asi que ora por el papa, NO sus intenciones.
estos encajan en los grupos oh movimientos religiosos, con ellos la unidad es dificil, primero ellos, los evangelicos, ni siquiera son iglesia, oh mejor dicho seudo iglesias, pues la iglesia es una sola, porque una sola la fe, un solo bautismo, un solo cuerpo, la iglesia, ellos son cerrados a un dialogo interreligioso, la primera persona que atacan es a la santisima virgen , nos llaman los evangelicos …More
estos encajan en los grupos oh movimientos religiosos, con ellos la unidad es dificil, primero ellos, los evangelicos, ni siquiera son iglesia, oh mejor dicho seudo iglesias, pues la iglesia es una sola, porque una sola la fe, un solo bautismo, un solo cuerpo, la iglesia, ellos son cerrados a un dialogo interreligioso, la primera persona que atacan es a la santisima virgen , nos llaman los evangelicos secta a nosotros, deberia el papa ver como nos atacan en las es, la otra bi vez subieron ....
una imagen del sagrado corazon , con bigotes como charro, en lugar de su banda roja del senor, una bansdra mexicana,
Do you pray for ISIS intentions? Will you pray for Alqueda's intentions? Will you pray for Marilyn Mason intentions? If you know that there's a clear intention to damage a good thing, will you pray for it? No! You rather pray for their souls...
Bishop George: "Pope Francis, what are your intentions?"
If you know, and most traditionalists knows, that pope Francis likes liberalism and bashes …More
Do you pray for ISIS intentions? Will you pray for Alqueda's intentions? Will you pray for Marilyn Mason intentions? If you know that there's a clear intention to damage a good thing, will you pray for it? No! You rather pray for their souls...

Bishop George: "Pope Francis, what are your intentions?"

If you know, and most traditionalists knows, that pope Francis likes liberalism and bashes traditionalism, then why pray for his intentions? By their fruit you shall know them!

We shouldn't pray for his intentions, we should pray for Francis soul to embrace Jesus in ALL his commandments.

God bless my pope, pope emeritus Benedict even if he doesn't want to be my pope. Amen
Viva la Iglesia
!Mentira sobre mentira¡
¿Acaso es realmente valentía que un protestante se pare en el Vaticano gobernado por un apostata? ¡NO! esa ya es su casa.
Lo que realmente es valentía es que un Verdadero Católico Tradicional no encuadrado con Roma, se pare en frente de Francisco, a ese si lo queman vivo en estos tiempos.
😡 😡More
!Mentira sobre mentira¡
¿Acaso es realmente valentía que un protestante se pare en el Vaticano gobernado por un apostata? ¡NO! esa ya es su casa.

Lo que realmente es valentía es que un Verdadero Católico Tradicional no encuadrado con Roma, se pare en frente de Francisco, a ese si lo queman vivo en estos tiempos.

😡 😡
Fiel al Evangelio
The question is who need to declared the anathem is the case that Paul and all of Apostles were commit the sin of heresy?
Galatians 1:8
8 But even if we or an angel[a] from heaven should proclaim to you a gospel contrary to what we proclaimed to you, let that one be accursed!
adeste fideles
✍️ ...
while the debate continues....
Benedicto XVI :
Quo Vadis, Domine?More
✍️ ...

while the debate continues....
Benedicto XVI :
Quo Vadis, Domine?
Dr. Reiss
I answered you directly, and provided the video link for you.
I agree in part this is how the old boy works, but You Dr. Reiss are using his tactics to support your position.
I state that because the other conversation is entirely a different subject, and if you are honest, you know it.
I am not tangled in knots. I am where I started
The Pope is Pope Francis
The things we started to …More
Dr. Reiss

I answered you directly, and provided the video link for you.

I agree in part this is how the old boy works, but You Dr. Reiss are using his tactics to support your position.

I state that because the other conversation is entirely a different subject, and if you are honest, you know it.

I am not tangled in knots. I am where I started
The Pope is Pope Francis

The things we started to speak of, you have redirected through illusion Viz the other conversation{s}

Did you attend a Jesuit College?

Rhetorical question as I don`t need a response.

of course I will weigh your advice
Father Nay
Thank you for allowing me to write, and express myself on your website.
May God be Praised in His faithful Priests, and servants.More
Father Nay

Thank you for allowing me to write, and express myself on your website.

May God be Praised in His faithful Priests, and servants.
They are not wasted but for those who do not want to listen, any argument is in vain.
I was not trying to say, that things written for correction or admonishment or Dogma die with the generation they were written for. {God forbid}
You Cannot Usurp Authority that is not yours.
We as lay Catholics cannot know with certainty {application of Church Penalties} unless the Church declares it so.
I too learn from our Church Fathers.
I read the great Encyclicals .
But the disciplinary …More

I was not trying to say, that things written for correction or admonishment or Dogma die with the generation they were written for. {God forbid}

You Cannot Usurp Authority that is not yours.
We as lay Catholics cannot know with certainty {application of Church Penalties} unless the Church declares it so.

I too learn from our Church Fathers.
I read the great Encyclicals .

But the disciplinary things of Church law: Those in Authority must declare.