"Miracle of Unity" Pope Francis meets the Tony Palmer group of the Evangelical Episcopal Churches. Published on youtube: Oct 22, 2014More
"Miracle of Unity"
Pope Francis meets the Tony Palmer group of the Evangelical Episcopal Churches.
Published on youtube: Oct 22, 2014
@rhemes1582: Thank you for your very competent answers.
Please Fiel
The Papal Bull has no bearing for the Lay faithful. The Bull you continue to publish was written in response to error and addressed to religious.
The Bull is accurate and binding, but again we do not have the Authority to apply it.
There have been times in the Church when more than one individual called themselves Pope.
When these historical events happened the Bull is Fully applied.More
Please Fiel

The Papal Bull has no bearing for the Lay faithful. The Bull you continue to publish was written in response to error and addressed to religious.

The Bull is accurate and binding, but again we do not have the Authority to apply it.

There have been times in the Church when more than one individual called themselves Pope.
When these historical events happened the Bull is Fully applied.

We do not have that situation now. Pope Benedict Abdicated His Seat of Peter: He no longer makes claim to it.
There is no discussion in Roman Courts of Law on the subject.
Your Bull is not applicable for this subject.

I have Read Blessed Anna Catherine Emmerich : I HIGHLY Recommend her life, and have it for my family library.

Still, as much as I understand what you say...We must pray for those in Authority to act.
It is not ours to do or know with certainty, unless declared by those with the rights to do so.

We are not Blessed Anna Catherine Emmerich and we did not see with her eyes. She did not write down a year....

You/We could be wrong about the times we live in. {meaning they are what she wrote of}
I don`t forget.
I rejoice in it.
I lament in it.
He stopped being Pope when he removed himself from the Seat of Peter.
He stopped being Pope when Cardinals gathered and elected/chose another Pope: Pope Francis
It is tempting to entertain that he was forced out, but you must then admit..........There is not one Cardinal with the courage to declare that ugly deed to the world.
I am not prepared …More

I don`t forget.
I rejoice in it.
I lament in it.

He stopped being Pope when he removed himself from the Seat of Peter.
He stopped being Pope when Cardinals gathered and elected/chose another Pope: Pope Francis

It is tempting to entertain that he was forced out, but you must then admit..........There is not one Cardinal with the courage to declare that ugly deed to the world.

I am not prepared to accept that.
One more comment from rhemes1582
I do not deny the word of the Holy Bible.
The quote you give Apoc. 18:4 you may find it interesting; that for centuries PROTESTANT translations of Holy Writ under foot notes Rev 18:4 verse make Claim against Rome and the Seat of Peter.
Not good company you find yourself in.
Archbishop Sheen may have been correct, BUT we have our role and Consecrated Religious have theirs.
We share the same …More

I do not deny the word of the Holy Bible.

The quote you give Apoc. 18:4 you may find it interesting; that for centuries PROTESTANT translations of Holy Writ under foot notes Rev 18:4 verse make Claim against Rome and the Seat of Peter.

Not good company you find yourself in.

Archbishop Sheen may have been correct, BUT we have our role and Consecrated Religious have theirs.
We share the same body, but we are different members with different functions.

We CANNOT usurp what is not given us.
Authority to govern the Church does NOT belong to the Laity.

Dear Father Nay

Please; Who has the Authority to declare against {unseat} a Pope?
Don Reto Nay
@Fiel al Evangelio: I agree, especially by Catholic families with very many children.
Fiel al Evangelio
This is why Archbishop Fulton Sheen said "The Church will not be rescued from the present crisis by the bishops, priests and religious, but the laity"
When the abomination of desolation happens here is only one exit door to escape into the wilderness. This is what God commands us. We must obey God rather that men.
Ok so now:
Fiel or Adeste or Caruso
If a Pope {Which Pope Francis is the Pope} Does the things you {in all your pen names} say he does, then someone with authority may take action to have him Warned of His actions, and then possibly removed from his office.
Only those given Authority by God in His Holy Catholic Church.
They have the Right and authority to act in that situation.
Pray for the Church …More
Ok so now:

Fiel or Adeste or Caruso

If a Pope {Which Pope Francis is the Pope} Does the things you {in all your pen names} say he does, then someone with authority may take action to have him Warned of His actions, and then possibly removed from his office.

Only those given Authority by God in His Holy Catholic Church.
They have the Right and authority to act in that situation.

Pray for the Church
Pray for the Pope
Pray for those with authority, to know God`s will and do it.
adeste fideles
Dear rhemes..
Although it is not an opinion that I share, it is one that I respect.
and I repeat
" The habit does not make the monk"
God bless you.
Viva la Iglesia
Indignante Francisco el anti-papa, como difama a la Iglesia sobre todo preconciliar, haciéndola quedar como un monstruo llena de católicos poseídos por el diablo quemando protestantes. !Anatema sea bergoglio!, que no sabe que los infiltrados marranos judíos como sus hermanos y como el mismo lo es, cometieron esos actos, pero que el espíritu del protestantismo causo barbaries peores, sobre todo …More
Indignante Francisco el anti-papa, como difama a la Iglesia sobre todo preconciliar, haciéndola quedar como un monstruo llena de católicos poseídos por el diablo quemando protestantes. !Anatema sea bergoglio!, que no sabe que los infiltrados marranos judíos como sus hermanos y como el mismo lo es, cometieron esos actos, pero que el espíritu del protestantismo causo barbaries peores, sobre todo en Inglaterra.

Ya basta de defender a un impostor, ya basta de creer que este papa es legitimo, ya basta de todo aquel que se dice SOY CATOLICO Y ESTOY CON FRANCISCO se sienta tranquilo.

Debemos oponernos con más fuerza a este hombre anti-católico y también anticristo.
Dr. Stuart Reiss
here is the visit:
This video is the cleaned up version {with respect to his body demeanor} but listen to what the announcer says.
The monastery is a family, not purgatory
The original video when 1st produced showed Pope Francis walking to His seat and the expressions on his face, while he looked over the nuns.
The original also had him speaking with the translation provided.
That …More
Dr. Stuart Reiss

here is the visit:
This video is the cleaned up version {with respect to his body demeanor} but listen to what the announcer says.
The monastery is a family, not purgatory

The original video when 1st produced showed Pope Francis walking to His seat and the expressions on his face, while he looked over the nuns.
The original also had him speaking with the translation provided.

That is why I call this The cleaned up version. {I don`t think that is very honest, begs the question why?}

If I have time I will look some more.
perhaps, but
Cardinals DID elect/choose a Pope.
His name is Pope Francis
His Ring, and Office DO make him Pope.More

perhaps, but

Cardinals DID elect/choose a Pope.

His name is Pope Francis

His Ring, and Office DO make him Pope.
adeste fideles
Dear rhemes..
"The habit does not make the monk.."
adeste fideles
🧐 Vaya, ha salido otro candidato para Les Luthiers
adeste fideles
I wish you would get a handle, on which one of the Many identities you are going to carry on a conversation with.
Hard to take you serious, if you cannot stick to one name in a conversation.
Heck you could even argue against yourself.
so.........Caruso or Adeste
A validly elected Pope is a Pope. That's the fact of the matter.
We can not depose a Pope. That takes one with authority! …More
adeste fideles

I wish you would get a handle, on which one of the Many identities you are going to carry on a conversation with.

Hard to take you serious, if you cannot stick to one name in a conversation.
Heck you could even argue against yourself.

so.........Caruso or Adeste

A validly elected Pope is a Pope. That's the fact of the matter.
We can not depose a Pope. That takes one with authority!
Not someone with a dozen or so pen names. 🙂

Pray for the Holy Catholic Church
Pray for the Pope
Pray for those with Authority, to know God`s will and DO IT!
adeste fideles
Pedro era pescador de hombres.. Bergoglio no.
adeste fideles
He is not a true successor of St Peter.
What is Imposter?
adeste fideles
😡 He is not Peter..
Is an impostor !
At Caruso
NO do Not leave the Chair of Saint Peter.More
At Caruso

NO do Not leave the Chair of Saint Peter.
adeste fideles
Se comporta como un Judas, no como Pedro