The Superstar of the Neo-Church. Picture: © gloria.tv, CC BY-ND, #newsEayvfnszokMore
The Superstar of the Neo-Church.
Picture: © gloria.tv, CC BY-ND, #newsEayvfnszok
Recent pontiffs invariably develop a cult-like following that even extends to Catholic prayer and devotion. Example A. That said, I'm not worried. Pope Francis is "of the world", He may be "The People's Pope" but that doesn't translate very well into Catholic spirituality.
A cult requires that a figure in history personify some virtue or quality others wish to possess. What shall Pope Francis be …More
Recent pontiffs invariably develop a cult-like following that even extends to Catholic prayer and devotion. Example A. That said, I'm not worried. Pope Francis is "of the world", He may be "The People's Pope" but that doesn't translate very well into Catholic spirituality.

A cult requires that a figure in history personify some virtue or quality others wish to possess. What shall Pope Francis be remembered for? China? Greta Thunberg? Pachamama? Amoris Laetitia? Turning over the Church's relics to schismatics? Hammer and Sickle Crucifixes? A profound and love for coffee ice-cream and empanadas? Some even more spectular error or outrage yet to come?

I believe Pope Francis shall indeed be long remembered in the Church's history, and neither his successors nor the laity will envy him for it.