Arcibiskup Viganò vo svojom liste zo 6.marca dokonca uznáva Moskvu ako TRETÍ RÍM. In his March 6 letter, Vigano pointedly referred to Moscow as the “Third Rome,” and appeared to sign himself up to the …More
Arcibiskup Viganò vo svojom liste zo 6.marca dokonca uznáva Moskvu ako TRETÍ RÍM.
In his March 6 letter, Vigano pointedly referred to Moscow as the “Third Rome,” and appeared to sign himself up to the Russkiy-mir vision of Russia as the legitimate political and religious heir to Rome and Constantinople, cities which the archbishop described as “deserted and silent,” and “hostage to apostates.”
Celý článok : Who’s buying Vigano’s Russkiy-integralism?