Vatican preparing 'guidelines' for 'apparitions', 'other supernatural phenomena'

Vatican preparing 'guidelines' for 'apparitions', 'other supernatural phenomena'

The Vatican is preparing to release a document giving guidance on how to discern supernatural phenomena. The Holy See …
Vatican has always suppressed any supernatural criticism of the Pope and hierarchy. Also Satan despises the BVM, and any attention as to why souls are loosing the Faith.
English Catholic
@Scapular Not true. La Salette was approved even though it said that Rome would become the seat of the Antichrist. Many other apparitions and saints/seers have criticised Rome. St Catherine of Siena was one example: "Catherine's prayer for love and of the Church brought clarity and boldness to her calls for reform. She was not concerned about offending others, nor did she limit her speech to what …More
@Scapular Not true. La Salette was approved even though it said that Rome would become the seat of the Antichrist. Many other apparitions and saints/seers have criticised Rome. St Catherine of Siena was one example: "Catherine's prayer for love and of the Church brought clarity and boldness to her calls for reform. She was not concerned about offending others, nor did she limit her speech to what others wanted to hear. She criticized popes and even her dear friends when they did not have the courage of their own convictions." If St Catherine of Siena were alive today she would be blocked and vilified by many on GTV, for simply speaking the truth.
English Catholic
(UPDATE: Original comment from JosephMary AnneJoachim deleted. I have a screenshot of it). That's fine. My original comment wasn't addressing or acknowledging or answering you, anyway. It was just a general comment for GTV readers. If you note , I wrote "on all sorts of blogs about this issue" meaning I have seen this issue referred to on several blogs to which I contribute. I wasn't singling you …More
(UPDATE: Original comment from JosephMary AnneJoachim deleted. I have a screenshot of it). That's fine. My original comment wasn't addressing or acknowledging or answering you, anyway. It was just a general comment for GTV readers. If you note , I wrote "on all sorts of blogs about this issue" meaning I have seen this issue referred to on several blogs to which I contribute. I wasn't singling you out. As you said, move on.
English Catholic
Usual ad hominem attacks from Josephmary AnneJoachim without addressing the underlying issues. Well, let's see what Tucho comes out with on May 17th before we rush to judgement - UPDATE: JosephMaryAnneJoachim has now deleted all their abusive comments (but I have got them screenshotted).
One more comment from English Catholic
English Catholic
Usual ad hominem attacks from Josephmary AnneJoachim without addressing the underlying issues - (UPDATE: which they have now deleted, but I have got them screenshotted).
English Catholic
I really don't know why the apparition brigade are getting their knickers in a twist on all sorts of blogs about this issue (well I do, because (a) some bloggers might lose money over it, and (b) it might deprive others of their addiction, their spiritual candy, as the late Fr Hugh Thwaites used to call it).
Firstly, no Catholic is obliged to believe in any private revelation - either approved or …More
I really don't know why the apparition brigade are getting their knickers in a twist on all sorts of blogs about this issue (well I do, because (a) some bloggers might lose money over it, and (b) it might deprive others of their addiction, their spiritual candy, as the late Fr Hugh Thwaites used to call it).

Firstly, no Catholic is obliged to believe in any private revelation - either approved or unapproved - to secure their salvation. Period.

Secondly, if this new Vatican document clamps down on alleged private revelations (in other words, those that have not already been fully approved) then all well and good. They are not part of the Deposit of Faith, although some blog commenters seem to think they are the sole source of Divine guidance.

As the late, great Michael Davies once wrote ""Since the Second Vatican Council there has been a grave crisis of authority within the Catholic Church. The ordinary faithful have not received the firm and unequivocal teaching and guidance from their ecclesiastical superiors to which they had become accustomed. Cardinal Ratzinger has noted the extent to which individual bishops have abdicated their authority to national episcopal conferences which, only too often, have been manipulated into propagating the opinions of so-called theological experts of dubious orthodoxy. Parish priests frequently abdicated their authority to parish councils, and Rome itself has sometimes appeared to speak with an uncertain voice. But certainty is what the faithful seek, and when they do not receive it from the Magisterium they will seek it elsewhere. Some have sought certainty in the charismatic movement which, if examined objectively, renders the Magisterium unnecessary, for what need is there of a teaching authority when each individual Christian can communicate directly with the Holy Ghost?
Other Catholics have put their faith in one of the numerous apparitions which are allegedly taking place in many countries. Once again, if heavenly guidance can be communicated directly through the sect which is witnessing the alleged apparitions, then what need is there of a Magisterium? In the years following the Council a very clear pattern of behaviour has emerged among supporters of these apparitions. It is a tendency to make belief in the authenticity of a particular apparition the criterion of orthodoxy. True Catholics believe in the apparitions, and the faith of those who do not is suspect in some way. Those drawn towards these apparitions tend to be conservative in outlook, the type of Catholic who might have been expected to defend the teaching of the Magisterium. Once such Catholics become “hooked” on an apparition all their efforts tend to be devoted to defending it and propagating it. They have thus been removed effectively from the battlefield for orthodoxy."

Please note that: "They have thus been removed effectively from the battlefield for orthodoxy". You have the Faith. You have approved private revelations like Paray-le-Monial (Sacred Heart) and Fatima (Immaculate Heart). What more do you need, unless you are just a sensation seeker?

Remember, Sister Lucia said to Fr Fuentes in 1957:- “The second reason is because She said to my cousins as well as to myself, that God is giving two last remedies to the world. These are the Holy Rosary and devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. These are the last two remedies which signify that there will be no others.” Silencing of the Messengers: Father Fuentes (1959 – 1965) | The Fatima Center
Alex A
And the, 'Lady of Good Success'? 🤔
English Catholic
@Alex A, sorry, I'm not with you?