Saint of the Day: April 18th - Saint Apollonius the Apologist. Rev. Alban Butler (1711–73). Volume IV: April. The Lives of the Saints. 1866. April 18 St. Apollonius the Apologist, Martyr From Eusebius …More
Saint of the Day: April 18th - Saint Apollonius the Apologist.
Rev. Alban Butler (1711–73). Volume IV: April.
The Lives of the Saints. 1866.
April 18
St. Apollonius the Apologist, Martyr

From Eusebius, Hist. b. 5, c. 21; St. Jerom. Cat. c. 42; Tertull. Apol.
A.D. 186.
MARCUS AURELIUS had persecuted the Christians from principle, being a bigoted Pagan: but his son, Commodus, who, in 180, succeeded him in the empire, after some time, though a vicious man, showed himself favourable to them out of regard to Marcia, a lady whom he had honoured with the title of empress, and who was an admirer of the faith. During this calm, the number of the faithful was exceedingly increased, and many persons of the first rank enlisted themselves under the banner of the cross, of which number was Apollonius, a Roman senator. He was a person very well versed both in philosophy and the holy scripture. In the midst of the peace which the church enjoyed, he was publicly accused of Christianity by one of his own …More
Saints on North Colonnade
Candida, Apollonius,
Dydimus, Marinus, EusigniusMore
Saints on North Colonnade
Candida, Apollonius,

Dydimus, Marinus, Eusignius