From a Palestinian in Gaza, thank you South Africa!

From a Palestinian in Gaza, thank you South Africa! - Quds News Network

By Haidar Eid South Africa has had enough of the world’s deafening silence on apartheid Israel’s ongoing genocide of Palestinians …
AJ Fides
If Israel is committing genocide, they're doing a terrible job of it. They could wipe them all out in an instant. Instead, they give warnings of rocket attacks and an opportunity for civilians to leave. Meanwhile, Hamas forces all of the civilians to remain in dangerous zones and uses them as human shields. The article states that "About 70 percent of the victims of this horror have been women and …More
If Israel is committing genocide, they're doing a terrible job of it. They could wipe them all out in an instant. Instead, they give warnings of rocket attacks and an opportunity for civilians to leave. Meanwhile, Hamas forces all of the civilians to remain in dangerous zones and uses them as human shields. The article states that "About 70 percent of the victims of this horror have been women and children." No, these are human shields. Not one word about the Palestinian atrocities - burning people alive, gauging out peoples' eyes, gang raping women, things we just can't state they're so horrific and the CONTINUING atrocities of holding hostages they captured in a barbaric massacre that stunned the entire world. Hamas must be destroyed and God help us all if the Palestinians ever reach statehood. The October 7th massacre should forever disqualify them for entry to the world stage.