"I'd go to the moon, but we don't have that technology anymore" said the retired NASA Astronaut Don Pettit - Related: 1. "The Moon Landing Queen Of All Lies" - WITH SPANISH SUBTITLES - Related: 1. The …More
"I'd go to the moon, but we don't have that technology anymore" said the retired NASA Astronaut Don Pettit - Related: 1. "The Moon Landing Queen Of All Lies" - WITH SPANISH SUBTITLES - Related: 1. The NASA Moon Landing … - 2. NASA's Mars 2021 Perseverance Rover Landing Animations - It is impressive how the Luciferian psycho… - 3. Un robot de la NASA compartió la imagen de una puerta en Marte - 4. LES REVELATIONS DE KUBRIK AVANT SA MORT SUR LE MENSONGE DES MISSIONS APOLLO ET L'HOMME … - 5. Wikileaks commence à relâcher les rushs du film bidon de la mission de la NASA sur la Lune de 1969 … - 6. "But we destroyed that technology and it's a painful process to build it back again": Don Pettit ("… - 7. "CRÓNICAS MARCIANAS" - In Spanish: El Actornauta Don Pettit revela que la tecnología para ir a la Luna, de hace más de 50 años, se … - The level of deception to which humanity is subjected is absolutely indescribable. And people swallow the lies without batting an eye. And hardly anyone questions these hilarious fables. It is really something very impressive. And they think that the WHO wants to "take care of us". And they allow themselves to be injected with the transgenic "vaccines" of the "philanthropist" Bill Gates. And they continue to wear a mask on the street even though it is no longer mandatory. And they continue to believe wholeheartedly everything the TV tells them. It's a crazy thing. We must arm ourselves with holy patience and await with living faith, profound hope and ardent charity the glorious Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Fortunately, we know with total certainty, by divine revelation, that it will have a happy ending.

Sources: NASA DESTROYED THE TECHNOLOGY TO GO TO THE MOON!!! - iLearn.tw - I'd go to the moon, but we don't have that...| By iLearn.tw | I'd go to the moon, but we don't have that technology anymore - The famously retarded NASA Astronaut and Engineer Don Pettit - Donald R. Pettit (PH.D.) NASA Astronaut
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Mi FE está frustrada
Ya lo publicó. Lo siento, no lo ví.
Miles - Christi
No, al contrario: usted lo publicó dos días antes y yo me inspiré de su post para publicar una versión sin subtitulado en mi cuenta en lengua inglesa, post en el que incluí el enlace al suyo, para quien quiera mirar el video con subtitulado en castellano...
What about eradicating poverty on the Earth planet first ?
He can go to the next best thing Hollywood