
April 16 Pope Benedict XVI will turn 91 years old

"...Let us express our filial affection and gratitude for his invaluable, brilliant, humble, selfless service and self-giving to Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Church, not only with words and best wishes, but also with prayers and a renewed effort to do God's Will and follow Christ.
Thank you for these years you're dedicating to a humble and hidden silence, praying for the entire Church!"

These are the most recent photos of Benedict XVI. As shown, the pope emeritus, who is turning 91, continues to welcome visitors, though at a much slower rate than during his papacy.
He plans to spend his birthday in private, in the Vatican Gardens, with his brother Georg, who is 94.
Just like last year, he will most likely celebrate the day in a Bavarian style, which will remind him of the tastes of his land.
Throughout this year, Benedict has found all the rumors about his delicate health quite humorous. He even wrote a letter to an Italian newspaper to thank them for paying so much attention to him.
His secretary says he spends the day praying, reading and writing. These are the daily tasks of the pope emeritus.
