
Francis Still Loves Rupnik

During Francis’ August 24 meeting with Archbishop Cyril Vasil', Pontifical Delegate for the Archeparchy of Ernakulam-Angamaly of the Syro-Malabar Church, India, an artefact produced by Father Marko Rupnik was visible behind Francis.

Francis continues to promote the distorted art of Rupnik who was sexually involved with many of the sisters of a religious community he was supposed to be guiding spiritually. He reportedly wanted a woman to drink his semen out of a chalice.

When Rupnik was excommunicated for absolving an accomplice in sin, Francis quickly reinstated him.

In June, Francis already advertised a Rupnik artefact.

Francis is known for protecting sexually corrupt prelates.


Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Apostate, heretic, sodomy-lover anti-Pope Francis.